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Ale! And Well Met!

Ale! And Well Met!

The Twenty-Sided Tavern is a live, interactive ttrpg where the audience controls the action, from the Characters' names, to where they go, what they do, and how much success they find.

All Episodes

Ep22 - Goblin Errands #3: Back Room Pet Store Raves

Ep22 - Goblin Errands #3: Back Room Pet Store Raves

Welcome back to Westgate! The Burning Elf Festival has moved into the parking lot, but that won't stop our three newest Goblins from trying to find their friend a sensible turtle neck. Er...the neck of a turtle? Eh. They'll figure it out.

1 h 9 mins
Feb 12
Ep21 - Building the Tavern with David Carpenter

Ep21 - Building the Tavern with David Carpenter

This week we sit down with the producer of the Twenty Sided Tavern, David Carpenter, to learn about what it took to put this show together and what it takes to keep it running. Want to Adventure with us??? Get Tickets to the Show Here! Join the Discord!

45 mins
Feb 5
Ep20 - Superfight!!!

Ep20 - Superfight!!!

Mouth Pope! Butter Vecna!! The Actual Insane Clown Posse! This one gets wild as hell. Will is running a game for Alex, Maddie, Diego, and Cass in which we generate heroes and then debate about who would whip whose super butt. It's absurd and we all yell a bunch.

59 mins
Jan 29
Ep19 - Whipping Self Care with Jacques

Ep19 - Whipping Self Care with Jacques

This week the two Alex's are joined by Jack Lepiarz aka Jaques Ze Whipper to chat about his time at the Tavern. Then Conner stops by for some very light hearted chat about kicking addictions and finding a therapist. It's wholesome!! Want to Adventure with us???

57 mins
Jan 22
Ep 18 - Goblin Errands #2 : How to Soothe a Burning Heart

Ep 18 - Goblin Errands #2 : How to Soothe a Burning Heart

The Westgate Mall Kenn is back in action! This time they face one of goblinkind’s greatest foes…indigestion!!! Can our old friends Blub (R. Alex Murray) and Snerick (RJ Christian) with the help of their new buddy Bill (Cassidy Sledge) find a way to soothe their savage tummies??

1 h 22 mins
Jan 15
Ep17 - Happy Half Year!

Ep17 - Happy Half Year!

It's a New Year, and we're up to New Nonsense. We're talkin about breakin habits and leaving our old lives behind with Alex, Maddie, Diego, and RJ. Also, couch aquisition, MSG overload, bidet life, and we make several new holidays.

39 mins
Jan 8
Ep16 - "In Time for Miracles" A Holiday One Shot

Ep16 - "In Time for Miracles" A Holiday One Shot

Maddie steps in this week as the HM or "Holiday Master" to lead Will, Jasmin, and Stomp in a quest to save the Holidays. All of them. The lesser known guardians of Halloween, President's Day, and Easter have been assembled to recover their kidnapped figureheads from a mysterious facility deep in the South Pole.

1 h 51 mins
Jan 1
Ep15 - I've Got Everything Under Control...

Ep15 - I've Got Everything Under Control...

Merry Christmas, Adventurers!! This week it's very sibling holiday vibes with Maddie, Alex, Conner, and Jasmine sharing cookie cake and stories about their buttholes. We also talk electric carving knives, holiday injuries, and what brings us joy as holiday adults.

41 mins
Ep14 - Conventionally F@$kable Reindeer

Ep14 - Conventionally F@$kable Reindeer

You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not listen to this on speakers at work. I'm telling you why. Cause we get fully nasty on this one. It's a pile of TST cast members, including our buddy Aabria, handing mics around and defending which animate or inanimate holiday icons we'd like to bone down with.

39 mins
Ep13 - Travis McElroy Says Nice Things About Everyone

Ep13 - Travis McElroy Says Nice Things About Everyone

Travis is back! This time he's looking back instead of forward. Jasmine, Diego, Travis, and Alex talk cheating, charming, bow ties, and how Travis has pushed the idea of what the Trickster track can be. Want to Adventure with us??? Get Tickets to the Show Here!

1 h 6 mins
Ep12 - Goblin Errands #1: There's Escalators. F@#k it.

Ep12 - Goblin Errands #1: There's Escalators. F@#k it.

Let the chaos REIGN! Welcome to "Goblin Errands". This will, in all likelihood, be an ongoing series where Jasmin runs two or three cast members through some zany Goblin adventures. For episode one Will, RJ, and Alex join in for shenanigans and the highest of jinks.

1 h 41 mins
Ep11 - Cross Cultural Sandwich Exchange

Ep11 - Cross Cultural Sandwich Exchange

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Take a break from your travel, cooking, family, or any other holiday pitfalls and hang out with three idiots for the better part of an hour! We won't ask you any questions about your career or significant other!

43 mins
Ep10 - Seabiscuit Did It!!

Ep10 - Seabiscuit Did It!!

This week we have Cassidy hosting with Maddie and Jasmine to talk about what it's like to be a Woman in the TTRPG space. We're talking about femme inspiration, being femme in community and high school theatre, the feminine urge to be a lil goblin, and the responsibility of being a torchbearer.

44 mins
Ep9 - No Sheet for Sherlock #1

Ep9 - No Sheet for Sherlock #1

This week Diego, Jasmine, and Alex are building characters. Not just any characters. They are taking celebrities and fictional characters and turning them into playable 5e characters. So, it's like you'd make a character sheet for Sherlock Holmes cause he doesn't have one yet.

51 mins
Ep8 - A Privileged Midday Repast

Ep8 - A Privileged Midday Repast

A few weeks before he joins us as The Trickster, Travis McElroy sits down to talk about creating D&D with childhood board games, top tier portmanteau, and a bold reclining based acting philosophy. He also gives a sneak peak at his plans for Wondro, Tamberlaine, and Barry.

51 mins
Ep7- Raising the Bar

Ep7- Raising the Bar

This week it's the entire bar staff! Cassidy, Conner, Stomp, and Alex talk crowd work, TPKs, a pee pee schedules! Want to Adventure with us??? Get Tickets to the Show Here! Join the Discord! Follow us on Instagram. Follow us on TikTok.

56 mins
Ep6 - Manifesting Muppets

Ep6 - Manifesting Muppets

This week we've got our Bar Swing Cassidy Sledge and our Character Swing RJ Christian hangin out! If you want a true slice of pre performance energy at the Twenty Sided Tavern, this is it. Please enjoy 45 manic minutes of bits and micro lore dumps from three ding dongs who are about to get on a stage.

43 mins
Ep5- Tim Slurry and the Spooky Season Spark Notes

Ep5- Tim Slurry and the Spooky Season Spark Notes

You can't help what scares you. Ain't that the truth. This week it's Will, Maddie, and Alex talkin terror. We talk Scary Movies. We talk movies that weren't supposed to be scary but were. Maddie and Will share personal ghost stories.

44 mins
Ep4 - Don't Hate for Free! with Aabria Iyengar

Ep4 - Don't Hate for Free! with Aabria Iyengar

This week we've got another guest Mage on the show! Aabria sits down with Alex to chat about the difference between the Theatre and the Dimension 20 Dome, the joys of running a one shot over and over, high school theatre drama, and more.

55 mins
Ep3 - Felicia Day is a Murder Granny

Ep3 - Felicia Day is a Murder Granny

This week we've got guest mage Felicia Day and resident director Michael Fell on the show to talk about what it was like to onboard our first star, the joy of live theatre, collaborative story telling, piles of treats, and murdering NPCs.

28 mins
Ep2 - Cryptids, Magical Pastry, and Full Frontal Goblins

Ep2 - Cryptids, Magical Pastry, and Full Frontal Goblins

This week we've got Diego F. Salinas, Madelyn Murphy, and R. Alex Murray chatting about their personal non RPG nerdery. Turns out that's mostly baking and cults. Tune in for discussion on the magic you can actually bake into a pie, everyone's Dungeons & Dragons origin story, and some real crunchy discussion about playing Warriors vs.

52 mins
Ep1 - Welcome to the Tavern!

Ep1 - Welcome to the Tavern!

Ale! and Well Met, Adventurers!! Welcome to the official podcast of the Off-Broadway sensation Dungeons and Dragons The Twenty Sided Tavern. Our show is a live interactive TTRPG, where the audience controls the action on stage.

46 mins
Ale! And Well Met! - Podcast Trailer

Ale! And Well Met! - Podcast Trailer

Ale! And Well met, Adventurers! Welcome to the official podcast of Dungeons & Dragons The Twenty Sided Tavern. Now, through the magic of your favorite podcast app, you can hang out backstage with the cast and special guests while we talk about D&D, and nerdery in general.

2 mins

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