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Welcome to Audition Secrets, the Podcast

Do auditions stress you out, burn you out, make you feel out of control? Are you doing everything you can to achieve the career you envisioned for yourself?. I'm Justin Bell Guarini and I hope this podcast motivates you to get up, get out there and just get after it... Read More

3 mins


Do auditions stress you out, burn you out, make you feel out of control? Are you doing everything you can to achieve the career you envisioned for yourself?. I'm Justin Bell Guarini and I hope this podcast motivates you to get up, get out there and just get after it. Together we can alter our mindset and rethink our approach to auditioning, rehearsing, performing, and sustaining a good life in the theater. Website: http://auditionsecrets.com Email: justin@auditionsecrets.com

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