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PANELISTS: Alyce Gilbert, Rick Kelly, Linda Lee, It takes a village to put on a Broadway show. Quite often audiences only appreciate what they see in front of them in that moment, not aware there are tons of talented, skilled artists working like crazy to make sure the show they are seeing is of the utmost perfection... Read More

1 h 13 mins


PANELISTS: Alyce Gilbert, Rick Kelly, Linda Lee,

It takes a village to put on a Broadway show. Quite often audiences only appreciate what they see in front of them in that moment, not aware there are tons of talented, skilled artists working like crazy to make sure the show they are seeing is of the utmost perfection. Today we have three of those brilliant artists who are the most celebrated dressers in the industry: Tony Honoree for Excellence in the Theatre Alyce Gilbert (Wicked), Rick Kelly (Moulin Rouge), and Linda Lee (Tina)

Each pulls back the curtain on his career to discuss their beginnings, their process, and how they will deal with a post COVID-19 Broadway. Alyce discusses working on the original production of A Chorus Line, Rick reflects on how he problem solved quickly on Gypsy, and Linda keeps us on the edge of our seats with a dramatic story from Sophisticated Ladies about building a tuxedo from scractch.....in between a matinee and an evening performance!

This podcast was generated by the wonderful President of the Theatrical Wardrobe Union (Local 764 IATSE), Patricia A. White.

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