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Annie 2:  Miss Hannigan's Revenge (1990)

In 1977, Martin Charnin, Charles Strouse, and Thomas Meehan, looked at one another on the opening night of Annie and said five magic words. to one another “This show will run forever!” Thirteen years later, Charnin, Strouse, and Meehan looked at... Read More

1 h 29 mins
Mar 18

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In 1977, Martin Charnin, Charles Strouse, and Thomas Meehan,

looked at one another on the opening night of Annie and said five magic words

to one another “This show will run forever!”

Thirteen years later, Charnin, Strouse, and Meehan looked at

one another on the opening night of Annie 2 and said another five words to one

another “We wrote the wrong show.”

See what happened was…..well, guess you will need to find

out for yourself when we explore how the geniuses behind Annie 1

struggled to find the right elements to make Annie 2 just as brilliant as

her older sister.

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