is your moment to shine.
It's a chance to take the script and
make it your own.
It's not about guessing what the
casting team wants.
It's about showing them a version of
the character they didn't even know
they needed.
So how do you approach that audition
material and make bold, dynamic choices
that stand out?
Let's dive into some tried and true
ways to tackle those sides
and pro tips
to give a memorable performance with
that, while
this is casting actor's castle.
Well, hello, and welcome to today's
episode of casting actors cast.
I'm casting partner Jeffrey Dreisbach
with the McCorkle group in New York.
How are you?
I'm looking forward to sharing this.
This is a question I get all the time.
How can I make my script more
interesting, therefore making my
audition more interesting?
So I've got all kinds of information
about that, as well as what I call pro
tips that I'm going to throw in as well
that I think you're going to find
really, really useful.
So thank you for tuning into casting
actors Cass.
I invite you to check out the
websitecasting actors Cass.
All one word dot com you're going to
find all kinds of information there one
is about my book called jeff's jots.
The actor's career playbook it's on
amazondot com, and the link is right
there on the website.
So please check that out.
I think you're going to find that
There's also a form that says, dive
into the talent pool.
And if you do that it's going to open
up a whole bunch of freebies.
There's a free book I'm doing voice
over work.
There's a video called on
casting secrets on what they don't tell
It's just kind of a way for you to get
more information.
And speaking of getting more
information, please don't forget that.
There are corresponding show notes to
each of the episodes on the website as
It's the blog that corresponds to each
of the episodes, so you can have a reference
right in your very own hand.
So thank you for that.
Let's jump into this auditions
Wow, I get that question a lot, as I
said, and I think that if we take a
structured approach
to your preparation,
by incorporating the following
suggestions I'm going to be making to
you, I promise you you're going to feel
so much better, and you're going to be
able to walk out of that audition
without reauditioning in your head on
the way home.
You know what I mean?
I used to do that all the time as an
Now I see actors after an audition
doing it still.
So let's talk about it.
I think that there are several steps
And I'm going to share the steps and
actually share some ways in which you
can use those steps in the process.
So I hope that that makes sense.
First and foremost.
I think you should read the script like
a detective,
don't read it like an actor trying to
come up with a way to deliver the words.
Treat the script like a detective.
Before you even start,
before you even start to think about
how to perform, you focus on what's
actually happening.
How you do that?
Well, you look for clues.
Who is your character
what's their goal in this scene.
How do they feel about the other
See, the script is full of all kinds of
really cool bread crumbs,
so follow them.
Here's another way to do that.
Dig into the subtext,
Your character is really saying
underneath the words.
I think that
very often the most dynamic moments in
the scene come from what's not spoken.
Continuing on with that.
You've heard this, I'm sure in your
Consider the stakes.
I've heard directors my whole life say,
raise the stakes.
Why is this moment important?
That's what you need to answer.
See if it doesn't feel urgent or
important to your character, it's
certainly not going to feel urgent or
important to the audience.
Here's a pro tip.
If you only get a few pages, like you
know, which is common in most
auditions, just aside of a scene,
research the show or project to
understand the tone, genre and relationships.
I know that that makes sense, but
that's often
only because actors treat the audition
like it's an event,
and they don't feel they have the time
to do that work of research.
I promise you a little research can go
a long way to helping you interpret
that side, that script.
All right, let's move on from there.
Here it is.
Here it comes.
Make bold specific choices.
Casting directors love actors who make
strong specific decisions
because it shows confidence and
So decide what your character wants.
Everything your character says should
connect to that particular objective in
one way or another, whether it's using
subtext or whether it's just a literal
interpretation of the script.
Whether they want to win someone over,
or hide their fear or take control,
let that goal drive your performance.
Another suggestion
is, add layers.
This is a biggie.
Don't play one emotion, the entire
scene through.
G, a line that seems angry might also
have some humor or vulnerability
beneath it.
Complexity makes characters come alive.
Surprise them.
If your script hints that your
character should cry,
why not consider holding it in?
If the line feels like it should be
try whispering it.
You see, unexpected choices, when
rooted in truth,
can make your audition
I love auditions that have some level
of spontaneity in them.
Surprising yourself during an audition
is a really cool feeling.
So of course, you can't plan
but you can be comfortable enough with
the material
that you're saying to yourself.
Let's just see what happens.
All right, here's a pro tip.
This is important.
Bold doesn't mean outrageous.
You see, your choices should still be
very grounded and should feel very
authentic to the story.
It's not arbitrary, and it's now not
Still, consider telling the truth
here's another tip.
I think it's really, really useful.
And this is a big deal.
What I'm teaching on camera classes is
to personalize the material.
You see, if the actor can find a way to
connect the scene to their own life
experience or emotions,
it becomes a very truthful moment
that's discovered.
Simply ask yourself,
when have I felt like this?
Relating to the character's feelings
makes your performance real and relatable.
Bring your unique self to the role.
Your uniqueness is what's going to
bring you the role, the job, the call back.
So that means your life experiences,
your quirks and your perspectives
are what make your interpretation
one of a kind.
No one else is going to do what you do.
As long as you tap into that uniqueness.
Moving on from there, avoid playing it
safe or generic.
I think you can lean into the specific
details that make you special as an actor.
Pro tip,
this is true.
Casting directors aren't just hiring a
They're hiring, you
show them who you are through your
Ah, let's just take a moment, say, I
just made you a lot of money right now
for those of you that are listening.
So congratulations.
Consider leaving me a thumbs up, alike
or a jare.
I'm not even going to ask for ten per
I swear to you.
All right.
Let's move on from there.
In terms of choices that you have
available to you.
When you get a script to make your
auditions, wow, play the relationship.
Play the relationship.
The way your character interacts with
It really does tell the audience.
And it also tells casting directors so
Who are you talking to?
Think about how your character feels
about the other person in the scene?
Are they trying to charm?
Are they trying to intimidate impress?
Or they try to make some kind of a
Focus on the
give and take.
You see, acting, I promise you, is not
just about delivering your lines in a
literal way.
It's about reacting
and staying engaged,
even when you're silent.
Imagine the other person's responses
if you're working.
Doesn't give them much to work on.
Here's another pro tip.
Even if the scene feels like a
it's always a conversation.
Someone real or imagined, is listening.
We're going to move on with the next
Hang in there.
Your auditions are going to wall.
Right after this.
Welcome back.
We're going through all kinds of really
cool tips and steps for you to feel
comfortable when you get an audition
script, so that your auditions can.
I love that word.
So as we move on from there, be
with adjustments.
This happens all the time in the room.
It also happens on zoom auditioning.
It doesn't happen on self tape, because
you don't have anyone right there to
kind of give you some feedback or make
an adjustment.
The casting director might ask you to
change your performance
during the audition.
They might give you an adjustment.
Here's a way to approach that.
I think if you have an attitude of
being flexible
and open to direction,
it is going to elevate our
consideration for you to play the part.
That was a really good ted, right
Don't overrehearse.
I've seen that happen a lot as well.
I think that you should rehearse enough
to know the material,
but I don't want you to work on it so
much that you're locked
into one way of performing it.
Now that speaks to what we talked about
earlier, in terms of being spontaneous.
So it's a fine line, I think, between
feeling prepared
and overworked.
So be really careful
It's about knowing all of the elements
of the scene that will make it
interesting, without setting it in
stone or freezing that performance.
The best auditions I ever see are the
ones in which the actor is not trying
to recreate what they rehearsed.
Show that you can take direction.
If the casting person says, let's
see it more playing.
Let's see it more serious.
Let's see it with a little more humor.
All of those things are comments that
the casting director, or the director,
or the producer, whoever is kind of
running that show.
They might want to see something
So please don't panic.
Just Embrace the note and try something
Feeling like this is a rehearsal that
you've already booked.
The job is a great way to feel like you
are in a collaborative environment,
rather than, I have to win these
casting people over.
The way you can help yourself do that
is just try some of this at home.
I think if you really try the scene in
a lot of different ways during your
rehearsal process, this is going to
build confidence, and it really helps
you stay nimble.
So here's a pro tip.
I promise you.
Adjustments are often less about fixing
something, and much more about seeing
how versatile you are as an actor.
All right, let's move down from there.
Use the space and your body.
This is really valuable.
I think.
Don't be afraid to move and engage
That's not only for your live
auditioning, which kind of makes sense.
But even for self tape, you must stay
in the frame, however.
But even if you're in a small frame on
you can find natural gestures.
Let your body support the emotions and
intentions of the character.
I've seen this a lot in self tape,
where the actor is
so worried about excessive movement
that they stay frozen.
And the uniqueness of your character is
what we need to see.
And that also implies that we see the
character in a natural state.
And you can do that by working with the
So you can decide, as my character
sitting, is it standing?
Is it pacing?
So, use the imaginary space to ground
yourself in the scene.
Another kind of logistical thing that I
think is
forgotten frankly.
A lot of actors, very professionals,
very professional actors, seem to
forget this, but don't forget to stay
connected to your breath.
Breathing deeply.
Not only calms your nerves.
But it also helps you connect to the
character's emotional state.
Unless that emotional state is
it's really important to stay connected
to your breath.
Here's a pro tip.
Movement should feel purposeful,
not random or arbitrary.
Ask yourself, now, why am I doing this?
Do that with every choice
you see, the more specific your choice,
the more interesting the audition.
I also think that as we talk about
movement, now it's time to talk about
the opposite of that.
And that is to Embrace stillness
when it counts.
See it doesn't mean that you have to do
that all the way through.
When it counts when it's appropriate
for the character.
For example, sometimes the most dynamic
choice is simply doing less.
What happens, then it happens in life.
When those moments sit there,
let the moments.
pauses can add weight to your lines and
give the audience time to process
what's happening.
It's also great if there's another
character in your scene for them to
process what's happening.
Another tip to do that is to use your
A glance or a subtle expression can
really speak volumes and draw the
audience in,
whether it's on camera or whether it's,
in person,
knowing what your emotional state is at
any given moment just draws us more and
more to you.
But I also have to say this it's
important, to avoid overacting.
If you're doing something on self tape,
or you're doing something on camera,
trust that the camera or the audience
will pick up on the subtlety.
So when I talk about stillness, it
doesn't mean being passive.
The character should still have energy
and intention,
even in those quiet moments.
All right, here's another tip for
preparing your script, to make your
auditions wow.
I think you need to prepare emotionally
as well, but you also have to stay flexible.
Connecting emotionally to the material
is quite important, but you don't want
to overthink it.
Find the truth in the moment.
Instead of trying to
feel sad or feel angry,
simply focus on the circumstances
and let the emotions emerge
into that moment naturally.
So if you practice emotional Recall,
if that helps you,
it's a matter of simply thinking of a
personal memory that mirrors the
characters of situation.
But here's a cautionary tale.
Don't get so caught up in the feeling
that you lose sight of the scene's purpose.
In past episodes I've talked
at length about per.
P, I r
plot what's the story.
I what's the writer's intention.
Why did the writer write this scene?
P, I, r
what's the relation to
ship to the other character in your
And then finally, the last r pir
is reaction,
reacting to each of those moments,
being in the moment,
stay in the moment,
react to what's happening in the scene,
not what you think the emotion should
Keep it natural, keep it truthful.
Here's my pro tip.
Keep the emotional preparation light in
the room.
Showing you can control your emotions,
I think, is just as important
accessing them.
So be careful.
It's not about the emotion, it's about
the character
in that circumstance, in that
situation, in that place.
All right, let's move on from there.
Be fully present.
This is something I see actors getting
lost in all the time.
Where you see them acting, it becomes
So you need to compensate for that
energy by being simply really present,
moment a moment work.
This is your time to connect with
and show your artistry.
You can do that in a few ways.
One don't rush,
give yourself a moment to center before
starting the scene.
Number two, stay engaged.
Even if you happen to stubble over a
just keep going.
It's been my experience that recovering
gracefully shows professionalism and it
shows composure.
I also think you should enjoy the
Please remember, auditioning is an
opportunity to act.
Even if you don't book the role.
Why don't you relish the chance to play?
That's really helpful.
I think
if you come into an audition
like it's not an event, but it's an
opportunity for you to have fun and to
act that's all it is, then you're in a
much better emotional place.
Here's a pro tip.
Casting directors aren't just looking
for perfection, right?
They're looking for potential.
If you're fully present,
I promise you you're going to stand out.
Last tip I have for you is practice.
Great auditions are the result of
not luck.
So, as I mentioned earlier, rehearse
if you can focus on understanding the
character and building strong choices,
rather than memorizing every word,
that's really helpful.
Get feedback.
I think it's valuable.
If you practice with a coach.
Or a friend or do a self take set up to
see how your performance reads to you.
Stay consistent.
Auditioning is a skill, and the more
you do, the more confident and dynamic
you will become
That was helpful.
I hope.
I think it must be, at least I hope it
Let me know by leaving me a thumbs up
or alike.
But I just want to give you a final
thought before you depart to day.
I think auditioning
and the audition
is all about blending preparation
with spontaneity,
dive into the script,
making specific choices and trust your
own instincts.
You see, I know that casting directors
want to see your interpretation of the
So be fearless,
be present
and, most importantly,
have fun.
You've got this.
I'm Jerry.
Rise back.
This is