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Brake for Scripts

Brake for Scripts. Air Date: December 1, 2022. I had a hard time coming up with a juicy title for what might be perceived as a boring subject for today’s show. After all, when you hear the term, “Script Analysis” you might feel like a throwback to a mundane intellectual college lecture... Read More

17 mins


Brake for Scripts

Air Date: December 1, 2022

I had a hard time coming up with a juicy title for what might be perceived as a boring subject for today’s show. After all, when you hear the term, “Script Analysis” you might feel like a throwback to a mundane intellectual college lecture. What I want to chat with you about is anything but. The ways you read and study a script for an audition or booking can have a significant impact on the results you are hoping for. In this episode of Casting Actors Cast, I’ll apply the brakes and give you some tips on breaking down a script!

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