is a universal part of the actor's
but its frequency
and intensity can make it particularly
in the acting profession.
For professional actors,
rejection often feels personal
and can lead to negative
defeatist or
detrimental feelings.
Here's a comprehensive exploration
of these struggles and actionable
to work through them.
This is a more sombre episode, but I
find it to be really, truly helpful.
This is casting actors cast
watch you
every week.
We're bringing in your watch.
We're going to kick off the show right
after this.
Well, hello and welcome to today's
episode of casting actor's cast.
I'm casting partner Jeffrey Dreisbach
with the McCorkle group in New York.
How are you?
I hope you're having a good day.
I'm having a good day.
And I really wanted to take on this
subject for some time now, because I
think there's this time of year, in
particular, I think, is really, kind of
challenging for a lot of us.
And I thought, why not take this
head on?
Why not really talk about this in a way
that I hope you'll find is helpful,
and most importantly makes you feel
hopefully, hopefully makes you feel
that you're not alone.
That's the most important thing.
Please take out the website, casting
actors cast all one word dot com for
more information
on stuff that I'm involved with, from
classes that I'm teaching, my books
that are available to you.
There's a form that says, dive into the
talent pool.
You can also submit your video.
If you have an audition that you want
some feedback on, I am going to do a live
These podcasts are so popular.
It's actually a live evaluation of your
So if you've got the gumption,
if you've got the guts, and you want to
submit it to me, you can send it
through casting actors cast dot com or
casting actress cast a Gmail dot com.
And that's going to be an upcoming
very, very shortly.
So I appreciate you submitting that to
And for those of you who have submitted
to me already, I haven't forgotten
I'm just trying to line up several
episodes in a row so that I can do this
about you.
pretty consistently, because I think
people will find that really, really
And now here's a little bit of a
special announcement that I beg your indulgence.
You might know that I've been a film
and a TV professor at norweck
conservatory of the arts, which is a
accredited institution in norwat,
Connecticut, for two years now, where
in our second year of existence.
And our second year training program
for actors
is about to come to a conclusion after
this spring semester.
And those second year film and TV
students will be heading to Los Angeles
at the end of February
for major career opportunity.
They are going to showcase in front of
top industry talent agencies and
casting directors
now listen.
This is an incredible chance for them
to make connections and take their
careers to the next level.
They are absolutely
wonderful folks that I just wish
nothing but the best.
I've had a chance to work with them for
a while, and I can vouch for their creative
talent and their tenacity.
And to help cover the costs of the
travel and accommodation to Los Angeles,
they've gone ahead,
they've set up a go fund me campaign
that will help support their travel and
living expenses while they are out
On the showcase they could really use
your help
by going to their go fund me page and
making a contribution, you're going to
help make the most of this opportunity
for these amazing
acting students.
So the link I'm going to put on my
it's at casting actors cast dot com.
Please go there.
The link is very easily found right on
the landing page.
So if you have any questions, or you
want to chat more about the details,
don't hesitate to reach out
and thank you so much for the support
you're going to be providing these
young talented folks.
All right, let's move on from there.
Let's get into the subject at hand.
Why actors struggle
with rejection?
Well, I think the first thing that
comes to mind if you've had this
experience yourself is that there's a
personal investment
that's involved.
You see, acting is deeply personal.
Actors pour their emotions, their
and their individuality
into their performances,
make sense,
so that when they're rejected,
it can feel like a rejection of their
or their talent,
rather than
it's just simply their suitability for
a role.
See, roles often resonate on an actor's
identity or aspirations, making the
rejection feel especially poignant.
There's also that factor of high
The entertainment industry is fiercely
with hundreds of, even thousands of
actors auditioning for a single role.
The odds of success
can feel very, very overwhelming.
So what does that do for you, if you
have that awareness?
Because repeated rejections can lead
actors to question their abilities or
their worthiness,
especially if others around them seem
to achieve success more easily.
Also another reason,
lack of feedback.
You see, rejections often come without
leaving actors wondering if they did
something wrong or if they simply
warn't the right fit.
This ambiguity
can lead to overthinking and can lead
to self doubt.
An actor alone
is in bad company,
in my opinion.
Another reason, well,
let's talk about career insecurity.
For many actors, rejection just isn't
it's tied to financial and professional
This pressure can amplify the sting of
rejection and create long term stress
about their future in the industry.
social comparison,
social media and industry networks
Showcase others' successes.
You know, when that happens, it can
make our actors feel left out.
They feel left behind.
or they can even feel excluded.
Common negative reactions
that I have experienced and that I've
seen in other actors.
Number one, defeat us thoughts,
believing that rejection signifies a
lack of talent
or the inability to succeed.
feeling hopeless about future
Here's another reason.
Emotional burnout,
experiencing a buildup of frustration,
of sadness or anger after repeated rejections,
you can view, being the actor can
become emotionally detached from the
craft as a form of self protection.
can signify
a safety mechanism that we have
because it sometimes is just simply too
A third reason, self sabotage.
I've seen actors avoid auditions or
opportunities out of fear of future rejection,
allowing negative feelings to impact
during auditions
or projects.
So those are all areas in which we can
thoughts that we
put ourselves through
when we are experiencing these phases
of rejection.
So there are some strategies for working
through rejection,
and we're going to talk about those
right after this.
Are you wishing for acting success?
Are you ready with audition techniques
for theater film and television are you
ready with proven methods for growing
your talent?
Are you ready to boost your business?
It would help if you had a playbook to
guide you.
Now there's jeff's jots.
The actor's career play book by
Geoffrey drisbach.
Jeff's jots
at amazondot com.
Casting actor's cast dot com, available
in paperback, hard cover or e book.
Stop wishing and start doing with
jeff's jobs.
The actor's career play book.
So welcome back.
We're talking about how to deal with
And I think it's important to take a
look at some strategies for working
through rejection.
Number one, I think you should reframe
Understand the factors that are at play.
Break it down for yourself
Decisions are influenced by many
factors beyond talent,
beyond physical appearance, chemistry
or other actors, or even logistical
is not personal.
Think of it as redirection.
Every rejection, in my opinion, is a
step towards the right role or opportunity.
I know that sounds a little Pollyanna,
but I think that that's a healthier way
to approach it.
Many successful actors experience
countless rejections
before they have their breakthrough.
I think it's also important to
celebrate the opportunity.
Focus on the fact that you were invited
to audition,
which means some one recognized your
potential and talent.
And I've said this before.
As a casting person, I wouldn't bring
an actor into audition if I didn't
think that they were right for the role.
So casting is definitely on your side.
So that is something to celebrate.
Here's another way to take a look at
it, and that is to cultivate a growth mindset.
I think it's important to learn from
each experience,
reflect on what went well and where you
can improve, if possible,
seek constructive feedback from trusted
mentors or from coaches.
There's a whole network of people that
care about you and are willing to give
you some honest feedback about where
you are
in your emotional place, but also in
your career.
I would also ask you to Embrace
not perfection.
View auditions as opportunities to
practice your craft, not as a pass or
fail test.
An opportunity to audition is an
opportunity to perform.
You're a performer.
And I've often said this as well.
are not events.
If you treat the audition like it's an
You're making a bigger deal out of it
than it needs to be.
In my opinion,
what's helpful is to celebrate an
then treat the audition like you've
already booked the job and it's your
first day of rehearsal
that's a much better approach.
It's very, very healthy.
I also think, I think continuing on
with these tips is to set process
oriented goals.
In other words, focus on what you can
control, like preparing thoroughly or
building relationships.
Every audition is an opportunity to
build relationships
rather than fixating on booking the
Another tip,
build emotional resilience.
Separate identity from outcome.
Remind yourself that rejection is a
reflection of the casting needs, not
your worth as a person or as an actor.
I also think it's a valuable tip to
practice self compassion.
Treat yourself with kindness and
after rejection.
Recognize that struggling is a normal
part of the process.
Allow yourself to feel
process emotions like sadness,
frustration or disappointment,
without judgment.
Bottling them up can lead to burnout,
for sure.
Also strengthen your support system.
Lean on your network, when you need to
share your feelings with fellow actors,
with friends or family who can
empathize and provide a different
Moving on from there here's a great
If you haven't done this, please
consider it.
Join acting communities.
Participating in support groups can
remind you that rejection is a shared
experience in the industry
there's no shame.
Also in seeking professional help, if
therapists or career coaches can help
you manage stories, stress,
help you build confidence and develop
strategies for handling rejection.
Moving on from there,
diversify your life.
Pursue other interests.
Engage in hobbies, passions or side
that bring joy and fulfillment.
Reducing the emotional weight of
rejection is key here,
maintain financial civility.
Having a part time job or other source
of income can alleviate the financial
pressure tied to acting rejections.
Here's another tip, develop non
industry friendships,
building relationships outside the
acting world.
Provide a balance and lessen the
industry's impact on your self esteem.
What am I saying here?
Focus on the long game.
Keep a perspective.
Rejection is a part of long term
Of every long term career,
every step
brings you closer
to a yes.
Track your progress.
I suggest you keep a journal
or a record of your auditions and
Seeing improvement over time can boost
your confidence.
Remember why you started.
Reconnect with your passion and
storytelling and performing.
And keep sight of your love for acting.
That can help you stay motivated,
moving on from there.
Celebrate small wins.
Acknowledge progress,
completing an audition or getting a
call back, even without booking the
role as a success.
Worth celebrating.
Recognize personal growth.
Celebrate how each experience makes you
a better actor, whether it's mastering
a new monologue or refining your
Stay inspired.
Learn from rejection stories.
Many successful actors have faced
significant rejection.
Hearing their stories can remind you
that persistent days off.
I also suggest that you consume
uplifting material,
watch films, plays or interviews that
inspire and reignite your passion for acting.
is an inevitable and challenging aspect
of a professional actor's career.
But it doesn't have to be defeating.
By reframing rejection, building
resilience and maintaining balance in life,
actors can not only survive
but thrive in the face of challenges.
Each rejection is definitely an
opportunity to grow, refine your craft
and move closer to the roles and
Meant for you.
I hope you found this helpful to day.
Thank you so much for joining me on
this episode.
I look forward to seeing you next time
on casting actor's cast.
It's been great having you in our
talent, full to day.
Your support means the world to us.
So please consider sharing, liking and
reviewing this episode wherever you
jump in.
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from all the lots to screen.
for you.
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dove ages and dig slide.
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