Hey their fabulous performers.
Welcome back to casting actor's cast,
the podcast that helps you navigate the
wild world of auditions with confidence
and skill.
I'm Jeffrey Dreisbach, your casting
director, your teacher, and I'm your
industry cheerleader
here to give you the inside scoop and
what really goes down in the audition room.
Now listen recently, I had the pleasure
and the challenge of sitting behind the
table at both equity chorus calls eccs
for both dancers, which was last week's
And to day we're going to be covering
And of course, the epa's equity
principal auditions, that's going to
be, next week,
I did honestly see some fantastic
but I also noticed a few common habits
that could be holding performers back
from booking the job.
So let's break it down.
If you want to up your audition game,
stay tuned, because I'm about to share
some audition gold.
This is casting actor's
00:01:12,5 --> 00:01:12,305
Well, hello, and welcome to today's
episode of cassing actors cast.
I'm casting partner Jeffrey Dreisbach
with the McCorkle group in New York, how
are you?
I hope you haven't.
A good day.
I'm looking forward to sharing this e c
c experience that I had with singers
auditioning for Camelot
at the Barrington stage company.
And so it was an amazing day.
It was a full day of seeing close to 120
singers in a very brief period of time.
And so I wanted to give you some inside
tips of things that I observe that
might be useful for you.
00:02:15,1 --> 00:02:19,139
Now, as I said in last week's episode,
you may say, well, I'm not a singer, so
this doesn't really apply to me.
Listen, I think that there is going to
be some audition gold, as I said in the
introduction, that might even help you.
Even though you might not think of
yourself as a singer,
some of these audition tips are really
important and useful, and I also think
universally helpful.
So stay tuned.
By the way, as I said, last week it's
saucer, this week, as I've had more
coffee than god ever intended.
So I'm going to talk really, really
So hopefully this won't be a very long
involved podcast.
It's going to be,
you know, entertainment in the
educational space.
That's the way I take a look at it.
So let's talk about some singing
audition tips.
But first, I just wanted to let you
know to check out the websitecasting
actor's cast.
All one word dot com.
Casting actor's cast dot com, you can
find all kinds of cool information.
There's the blog called jeff's jots.
There's the book called jeff's jots
there's a form that says, dive into the
talent pool.
Filling that form out, just gives me
your name and email address.
I don't do anything with that.
By the way, I'm not a spammer.
I might occasionally promote an
episode, but I rarely do that.
That's going to open up some freebies,
It's a book I'm doing voice over work.
It's also a video casting secrets.
What they don't tell you, all kinds of
cool stuff.
Also, please check out the YouTube
Casting actors cast on YouTube.
Those potios, podcast videos are being
simulcast as I'm doing them.
So it's both audio and video.
So you can watch me do the podcast as
Thank you for that.
And also, just to mention that I'm
looking to doing a live event in New
York City.
I'm going to give you the dates and the
times this is through the wonderful
folks at actor's connection, and
hopefully fingers cross
also contributing to the production of
Would be the Broadway podcast network
that I hope is going to be involved as
I'll give you more information as it
comes available, but stay tuned for
I think it's going to be really, really
All right, let's jump into it.
We're going to talk about singing
audition tips.
Number one.
I have to say,
and over singing,
less is more.
Understand that big emotions and vocal
theatrics might seem very, very
impressive, but you know what?
They can quickly become overwhelming
if you consider just simply showing
and connection to the material, rather
than pushing too hard or showing off
your vocal Acumen.
Ooh, good word.
I think that's a really, really good
It's not about impressing us if that's
your goal when you walk into the room.
It's not going to do that.
It's not going to have the effect that
you're hoping for.
Because your focus is on that, it's not
on being present in the room, and
that's what you need to be, especially
when you're going to be singing a song
because singing is poetry.
So you're going to be sharing a poem
with us.
So have that in mind.
Have the storytelling
part of the way in which you perform
your song
be the most important thing you bring
into the room.
Speaking of bringing into the room, I
can tell you that
actors' equity association allows you
to sign up for the various time slots
that are available.
You sign up for those, then when you
show up to the holding room is what
they call it,
and that's where all of the singers
gather and get put in sequential order.
So you can sign up online now listen.
If you haven't signed up online, you
can still go, but you might have to
wait until there's a slot that's
available for you to step into.
So it's not a terrible system at all.
In fact, I think it's very, very fair.
Actor's equity works really hard on
keeping things on the up and up.
Verne square,
our office is one of those offices that
really wants to see non equity as well.
So the three choices we get before the
auditions start as the equity monitor
it's an equity appointed person who
helps organize all of those performers
who are going to be coming into
One at a time.
They ask the following three questions.
do you mind people singing from the
I'll answer that in just a minute.
Two, will you be seeing non equity
To which I always answer yes.
Well, first of all, because this was
for Barrington stage.
I know that there's some slots
available for non equity performers in
the productions for the season.
So therefore,
we do say yes to that.
Plus, I always really like,
it's just me, I really want to give
anybody an opportunity to be seen if I can.
The third thing that I get a question
on is, do you accept drop offs?
In other words, if an actor were to
show up, not be able to get a slot, m,
be non equity, but not have the time to
kind of participate in the orderly
process of the audition,
can they just drop off their resume for
me to take a look at?
I answer, no,
I just can't.
It's just about, that's too much for me
to be able to handle in a single day.
If I took all of those drop offs, and I
actually had the time to scrutinize
them, I'm still not getting any
information about you as a performer,
I get you.
00:08:01,81 --> 00:08:01,247
I get your resume but I don't get a
sense of who you are, and therefore my
brain cannot hold that much information.
And I also, this is going to sound
really snobby, and I apologize in
advance if it does, but if you don't
have the time
to audition,
then that's on you, that's not on me.
So please don't consider just dropping
a picture in resume.
Oh, first of all, they're expensive,
Second of all,
there's a good chance I'm not going to
have the time to take a look and give
you the time you deserve.
But if you're showing up to audition,
that's a different story.
We can start a relationship when that
I hope that makes sense.
All right, if I'm too snobby, please
let me know.
I mean, you get it.
I hope, yeah, you're a smart audience,
so I know you get it.
All right.
Let's move on from there.
Let's talk about clothing.
I think it's important to dress smart,
not distracting.
Here's the
I would suggest you consider wear
something that makes you feel comfortable
and confident and allows you to breathe
End of story.
Please do this.
Avoid overly formal outfits,
anything honestly that restricts your
super tight Jeans or
I still see on occasion people dressing
in costume in a way.
Please make sure that it's comfortable.
I have a lot to say about this.
So, again, I always feel like I'm
taking the risk of sounding a little
bit snobby about some of these things.
But ladies, I have to say, if you're
wearing a short skirt, be very, very
aware that when you walk over to the
and you lean over to show the music and
pick the tempo for the accompaniest to
play your song,
that is not always an attractive
00:10:06,973 --> 00:10:08,8
situation, to be it.
I hope you can see that I'm painting
that picture.
It's just a matter of being
You might look lovely in that dress,
but again, a too short of address where
you're moving, and then bending over to
get taught to the accompaniest it's
just not necessarily something that you
would feel comfortable if you knew that
that was something that we had no
choice but to see what was going on.
I guess that
hopefully makes the most sense.
So be careful about that.
I also see some stylized clothing,
which I I think is fine.
It's part of your brand, or whatever
but I also see people who don't give it
any thought whatsoever.
I don't want you to overly dress.
I don't want you to weirdly dress.
I think it's just comfortable and
confident and professional
that's the way to think of it.
We're clothing that makes you feel good
about yourself,
and then you're done.
That's all you need to do.
In terms of hairstyle.
We address this a little bit last week
for dancers.
But if you have a different hairstyle,
or you're growing facial hair, now,
make sure that you're eight by ten your
headshot reflects that
I need to see how you look now.
And I get an association between what's
in front of me, and then what's on the
photo paper.
You know what I'm saying?
So please make sure that that's
something you pay attention to as well.
It's not unusual.
And I know I said this last week, and I
thought, you know what I'm going to
hear from people about this.
But here it goes.
I sometimes see that the
singer is wearing the same clothing
that they have in their picture.
And I think that's smart.
I don't think that's weird.
You might think it's weird and that's
But I kind of go like, I get the
association of that person.
Plus, it's easy for me to remember that
person because of that.
And after you've left the room, and
after I've seen 120
singers that day,
wouldn't you want that impression,
that is a positive professional
impression to last?
That's why I suggest
that the way I do anyway, all right,
let's move out from there.
Number three, I got several of these,
but I have numbered these, and I don't
think that they're in any kind of level
of importance.
But listening to yourself instead of
investing in the character,
i'll repeat that.
Listening to yourself instead of
investing in the character that's
something I see quite frequently.
Singers who focus too much on their
instead of the story
00:12:46,433 --> 00:12:48,1
end up feeling disconnected.
They look disconnected because they're
making sure that they are being
technically perfect.
So just make sure that you're
emotionally present in the performance.
Being emotionally present means that
you are singing to someone specific.
If it applies, if that song makes
sense, that you're speaking to somebody specific,
visualize that other person, connect to
that other person in the song.
That will help you emotionally,
that'll help you
project appropriately.
This is not about the technicality
aspects of your singing voice.
That's something that's worked out,
just like dancers who watch themselves
in the mirror,
watching or thinking or listening to
yourself in the audition is not helpful
for you.
Let's move on from there.
Choosing the right tempo.
I think
there's value in letting the song
picking the right tempo is absolutely
You see, if the tempo is too fast,
00:13:52,499 --> 00:13:56,2
then you have and run the risk of
losing phrasing
00:13:57,70 --> 00:13:57,470
too slow.
And it can really drag.
Find a
natural flaw, one that compliments the
the song.
That also relates to what I was just
talking about, in terms of making connection.
Tell me the story.
Another related
element that I want you to be aware of
is, please be careful and not show the
effort of your singing technique.
That's what I was talking about.
00:15:01,1 --> 00:15:05,305
See, I think great singers that I've
had experience with in the audition
room, think, just make it look easy.
See if I get the sense that your face
is tense,
or you seem strained, especially
vocally in the kneck.
I see that sometimes, boy really does
distract from the performance.
Keep your technique under control and
let the sound flow effortlessly,
you know what?
No two voices are alike.
And if you really believe that, like I
do, that means there's literally no
chance you're going to be making a
Trust your technique
and now just tell the story
in a way I think it's much simpler.
I think singers who have a really
excellent technique are able just to
feel that they're expressing themselves
in a confident way.
That's exactly the connection I like to
see in the room.
Here's just kind of a logistical note.
Please don't look at the team during or
after the last note of the song
happens all the time.
See, looking directly at the casting
team, or the music director,
or the, you know, whoever sitting at
the table,
because there's the table and then
there's you.
It can really feel awkward for everyone.
I think if you keep your focus and stay
in the world of the song, maintain your
presence, without making eye contact,
is a really great tool.
Without fail.
When you're done with the song, there's
a tendency to look directly at
the casting team, at the table, as if
you're saying, ok, I'm done.
Or worse yet, looking at the casting
team with the expectant eyes of well
what did you think?
That's not really great.
That shows and demonstrates a level of
insecurity that I'm sure you're doing
without even being aware.
So when the song and the last note is
I suggest that.
And you can rehearse this a couple of
times, so it feels comfortable.
I suggest you close your eyes, drop
your head,
look over at the accompany, us, and
thank them.
Now you can turn, see, now you've
switched the environment from the story
you're telling,
being back into yourself and thanking
the accompaniest.
That is such a practiced routine that
makes an impact.
Ok, Mick, I just made you a lot of
money, right there.
I just want you to know that
I also see this many, many times.
And again, I've alluded to points of
this earlier, but I need to hit this
point a little harder, I think.
00:17:46,199 --> 00:17:48,1
And that is watching yourself sing,
see overawareness.
Just like for dancers, checking
themselves out in the mirror, like I
said, singers who seem overly conscious
of themselves, they feel really disconnected.
So let go and perform, instead of
analyzing yourself in real time.
So I know it's I said, stop listening
to yourself.
So sometimes it's just about you
listening to making sure that you're
technically perfect.
But other times
I can see that you're evaluating how
you're doing as well, avoid
as much as you possibly can.
Again, I think it's about going back to
the story, who are you singing to, and why
answer those questions in your singing?
And I think it's going to be very, very
polished and much more accomplished.
Moving on from their tablets and
I think paper is better.
While tablets are convenient, they can
be difficult for a companyists to navigate.
So you know what I'm talking about, the
person that brings their book in, and
they have the plastic covers on their
pages, and they can just simply turn
the pages that's very easily.
That's a practiced thing for most
Having to look at a smaller tablet and
swipe up, swipe down, swipe over
page, turning delays and screen glare
can really disrupt the flow when using
a tablet.
You don't want that music to have the
pause or have to scramble to get it
Now I know everyone does this, and I
think a lot of accompanized are ok with
But my suggestion is, why take the
Turning a page is much easier it's
bigger, it's easier to see, it's easy
to comprehend.
It's on a non glare plastic sheet.
So that all they have to do is turn it
very, very quickly.
See, I see, I think a well prepared
printed copy is absolutely best.
Now I have something a little difficult
to chat with you about in terms of
singing auditions.
And this was something that happened a
couple of times in this latest ecc for
Barrington stage.
And that is one dancer that comes to
mind in particular, who came in and
apologize for their not being in the
best voice.
I'm not feeling well today.
I'm not sure what my voice is going to
do, so I hope you'll bear with me.
I'm apologizing if it's not quite there
for you.
But I wanted to give it a shot because
I really like this project, and really
want to.
you'll be understanding of that.
Well, of course, everyone behind the
table is, oh, sure.
Well, I'm glad that you came in.
That was really nice of you to do that.
00:20:37,771 --> 00:20:41,7
And I'm thinking, well, you know, I've
always heard that you shouldn't make
excuses or try to apologize for
On the other hand, there was a
genuineness about that that I thought,
do you know what I would honor that?
So let's just hear.
Well, guess what?
That changed the way I was going to
hear this performer.
And the performer had a, really,
had a really
very present voice,
sort of knocked me off my seat.
I have to say, there were a few
near the top,
and I would say that this actor is of a
certain age.
So, I mean, that was something that I
was accommodating, but yet, the idea
was that I was still very impressed for
somebody who wasn't feeling well, to
still show up and be able to deliver
that kind of a tune, even though there
were a few couple of missteps in the
song itself.
And then the actor, I said, gosh, I
said, thank you, and I'm really
impressed that you made the effort to
come in for this despite you're not
feeling well.
I hope you feel better.
Thank you very much.
He was like, thank you.
And then he left.
Well, the music director at that point
turned to me and said,
he does that at every audition for the
past several years.
Let me just
let that sink in.
I felt, I didn't feel angry at all.
I felt sad.
I felt sad, because
this person was manipulating the
situation, hoping and thinking that it
was to their advantage
to talk about whatever shortcomings
they had and filter it through illness,
filter it through.
I'm not feeling well.
So I hope you'll be understanding of
Now, imagine
if we
really thought that that actor was
right for our project.
By the way, he wasn't right for our
So, I mean, let's just take that off
the table.
It wasn't that I dismissed him because
of that,
I didn't?
It was simply because it didn't fit
into the world of what we were looking
00:22:44,30 --> 00:22:44,197
So that's off the table.
But here's the thing,
if he was right,
and we had brought him in
and he started rehearsals,
and, because of his own physical issues,
was not able to
sound well
at 100 percent.
Can you imagine the difficulty of
saying to that performer?
We're going to have to let you go,
we assumed that you were sick then and
went with you now.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is,
there's something disingenuous
about coming into an audition like that.
So I think it's important to own your
And what I really want to say is that,
if you're feeling under the weather, I
want you to think about keeping it to
I think announcing vocal issues
beforehand, it just simply draws
attention to weakness rather than
And I would suggest, just do your best.
Let us make that decision or that
I think that that's a very clean
The manipulative side of things is not
necessarily going to serve you,
certainly not going to serve you over
All right, let's move on from there.
I get this question quite a bit.
Should you use a song?
That's from the show?
So here's my answer.
Unless it's specifically requested, I
would suggest, avoid singing a song
from the show, finding material, or
having material that is in the style of
the writing of the show.
That can be a really good idea.
But singing from the show invariably
opens up an additional can of Worms.
It can invite direct comparisons to how
casting, or how the vision of the show,
is performed.
We may have a specific idea about that
And if you are singing the song, and
it's not necessarily hitting the mark
with the vision, we have in mind,
you've now just automatically
kind of
defeated the purpose.
Even if you've played the role, this
has happened seven times you've played
that role.
You thought, I'm just going to sing
from the show because I played the
00:25:02,836 --> 00:25:03,3
Let them see how I did the role.
Consider that there may be a different
way in which people are going to be
doing this particular production.
And so just trying to fit into the
production actually is more limiting.
I think, again, picking material that
reflects the similarities
is much, much more valuable.
All right, let's move out from their.
Confidence creates a confident audition.
I'm going to say that, again,
confidence creates a confident audition.
See, your energy really affects how we
see you.
So even when walking in, knowing that
you're meant to be there,
you're confident.
A confident performer is much more
engaging than a tentative one.
So if you are approaching
the audition a little nervous, a little
scared, I get it.
We are all nervous.
We're all scared.
That's absolutely the truth.
But the one who comes in and sort of
fab faking it till you make it, like I
said in the last episode, I think
that's a good idea.
But I think it's also just that sense
that you belong, that can make a huge impact
on the casting team.
By the way,
you don't know necessarily what we're
looking for,
so you just have to be the best you you
I hope that this was helpful for you
Please don't forget to leave me a
Elika, thumbs up.
Check me out on the YouTube channel, if
you like.
I'll look forward to our next and final
installment of these three eccs
epas as we cover
in our next episode of casting.
Actress Cass, thank you so much.
I'm Jeffrey