The decision to specialize in one type
of acting or role,
versus exploring a wide range of
is a crucial one for actors.
Each approach has a distinct advantage
and challenge.
That challenge can significantly impact
an actor's career trajectory.
Here is an in depth analysis of the
prose and the cons of both strategies
and guidance on finding a balance
between specialization
and exploration.
We're calling it
to day special.
This is casting actor's caste
watch you
every week.
We're bringing in your watch.
We're going to kick off the show right
after this.
Well, hello, and welcome to today's
episode of casting actress cast.
I'm Jeffrey Dreisbach.
This is the podcast for actors from a
casting director.
I'm with McCorkle casting in New York.
How are you hope you haven't a good
I'm looking forward to talking about
that critical
discussion that many actors have in
their head.
Should I specialize in the kinds of
roles that I'm doing, or should I say
yes to any opportunity that comes by
Just because
I want to be versed versatile, and I
want to show my versatility versus I
want to get a lot more work, because
I've got a very narrow niche that I can
We're going to talk about all of that.
But first, this is that moment of the
conversation, where I get to say thank
you for tuning into casting actors.
Cass, it's been a pleasure to bring
these podcasts.
Do you?
I recommend that you go to the website,
casting actors cast, all one word dot
com there you're going to find all
kinds of freebies.
When you fill out that form that says,
dive into the talent pool, it opens up
a free book.
I'm doing voice over work.
There's a video.
Casting secrets what they don't tell
But also there's jeff's jots, the new
book that I've just written, it's
jeff's jotch, the actor's career
That's available on Amazon.
But also jeff's jots is a blog on the
website that corresponds to each of the
So you can literally print out the show
notes for each episode if you wanted
some more information.
Listen it's so great that you're here.
It doesn't cost you anything other than
a little bit of time.
But I hope
and believe
my ego being what it is that it's time,
well spent, because I'm providing as
much information I can to sort of lift
the veil and make the industry really understandable
for those who are just starting out, or
perhaps you're returning to show
business as an actor after a period of
So that's what this is all about.
Please leave me alike.
Please, thumbs up.
Please subscribe.
Also, you can watch me do this on
The YouTube channel is,
no, it's not ironic.
It's called
Actor's cast
that's the name of the YouTube channel.
So do check that out.
All right.
So we're calling it, today's special.
And that is
when an actor specializes
because they want to be thought of in a
very narrow way, thinking that that's
going to help them become more
established, more quickly, versus that
person who wants to just say yes to
every opportunity and not necessarily
make a decision about which area of the
to apply themselves.
And so we're going to just really, I
think, take this on head on.
So let's talk about specialization,
and the prose behind being a specialized
Number one establishes
a clear brand.
allows an actor to develop a
recognizable identity
making it easier for casting directors
and producers
to associate them with specific roles
or genre.
You see a clear brand creates a niche
where the actor becomes a go to choice
for particular roles.
The second,
number two, mastery of a craft focusing
on one area, for example,
of comedy or Shakespeare,
or serious drama or musical theater,
that enables the actor to refine their
skills and become an expert
in that arena in that domain.
See this deep
oftentimes leads to stronger
performances and builds credibility
within the industry.
Number three, consistent work
can lead to a steady stream of work
within a specific category,
as casting professionals and directors
often seek actors with proven experience
in that area.
It positions the actor as a reliable
choice for that specific
For you.
Number four, it's easier marketing and
A specialized actor can target their
marketing efforts and professional
networks towards opportunities
within their chosen field, maximizing
and focus.
it's simpler to craft a tailored reel
or a resume that emphasizes
strengths in a particular niche
so for the actor who is really
interested in getting an episodic
television series.
That is a very specific approach in
terms of your marketing, where your
energy and focus needs to go.
Now, of course, you can imagine there
are some downsides to that kind of specialization.
One is a risk of being thought of only
for that role.
Now, I don't like to use the word
I just think it's not a helpful word.
I like the word branding.
I think that there's value in that,
because you have control over how you
want to be perceived by others.
that makes sense to me?
I'm not sure how you feel about that.
But if you're specializing too early on
a very exclusive
or narrow focus, that can lead to being
thought of only for that kind of role.
And that simply limits the actor's
ability to pursue diverse roles later.
Industry professionals may pigeonhole
the actor, making it harder to break
into new areas.
For example, if you're known as a
it's just that much harder to work
towards those opportunities that may be dramatic.
Number two,
there are fewer opportunities.
that's the downside.
Early in a career focusing too narrowly
may restrict the number of available
roles, especially if the chosen niche
is competitive or is very limited.
New actors
often need broad experience
to build connections and to build
Plus, the actor might not really be
sure which area they want to go into.
you need to not necessarily
have that discussion.
Also know this there's a potential for
burnout or stagnation
when you are specializing
in an area of expertise as an actor.
Consistently performing similar roles
may lead to creative dissatisfaction,
or honestly, I've heard this many
It can lead to a sense of monotony
over time.
can limit the actor's exposure to other
genres or styles that might actually
might actually feel creative.
I think it's important to remain, if
you want to take a look at this, to the
open to all opportunities.
I want to do it all.
The actor says to me, there are some
prosan, some const to that too.
The pros,
broad skill development,
you see, I think exploring different
roles and mediums genres helps actors
to develop a versatile skill set,
making them really adaptable to various challenges.
Also, exposure to diverse experiences
fosters creativity
and resilience.
Number two, it increases networking
When you're working across a range of
projects, it allows actors to meet more
people in the industry.
And that simply broadens your
professional network, if it's you
that's undertaking this task.
And of course, these connections can
lead to unexpected opportunities in the future.
Number three, discovering hidden
trying on some new roles or genres, can
reveal untapped abilities or passions,
guiding actors
toward areas they may not have
considered otherwise.
Actors often discover where they truly
excel by experimenting with different
types of work.
Number four, maximizing opportunities,
remaining open to various projects
increases the likelihood of consistent
work, especially for actors starting out.
It allows actors to build a diverse
resume that demonstrates range and versatility.
But along with those pros, there are
some creators
might find difficulty in building a
clear brand for themselves.
You see, without a definite focus,
it may be harder for casting
professionals to understand the actor's strengths,
or where they should be thought of
actors' risk being overlooked for
specialized roles
because they lack a clearly identifiable
Number two, scattered focus,
taking on too many different types of
work can spread an actor too thin,
preventing them from mastering any one
The lack of a specific focus may lead
to missed opportunities
in highly competitive niches.
for overwhelm,
navigating multiple genres, roles or
mediums, can be overwhelming
and detract
from refining foundational acting
It may also result in an inconsistent
career trajectory, making it harder to
achieve long term goals.
it's difficult when you say yes
to everything.
It just can be
very challenging.
Striking a balance between
and exploration
that's what we need to have a
discussion about.
And we're going to cover that
right after this.
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jeff's jobs.
The actor's career play book.
All right.
Welcome back.
Striking a balance between
specialization and exploration.
Early exploration
for emerging actors
it's often really beneficial
to explore a wide range of
In my opinion,
this early exploration phase helps
build confidence, discover strengths
and gain a variety of experiences.
Also, during this time, actress can
experiment with film, theatre
commercials, voice overs and other
identifying a niche over time.
As an actor career progresses,
patterns often emerge
in the kinds of roles or genres they
excel in.
If that's you, then you're going to be
paying attention to specific feedback
and successes.
And that can help identify a potential
niche for yourself.
becomes more effective once the actor
has a clear sense of their strengths
and marketability
maintaining flexibility
within a niche is also something to
Even after specializing,
actors should remain open to occasional
projects outside their primary focus to
avoid stagnation and continue
developing range
it's not an all or nothing proposition,
strategic diversification
ensures that the actor can Pivot or
expand their career when needed.
listening to the industry and to the
actors should balance what the industry
with their personal interests.
It's not just trying to conform
What the industry is looking for is
what is also most fulfilling for you.
Pursuing roles they are passionate
about, while considering market demands
creates a fulfilling
and sustainable career.
Now let's talk about some practical
tips that you can try on
and see if any of these are helpful for
Whether you're going to specialize or
whether you're going to say yes to everything.
One define short term and long term
You see, early on, focusing on gaining
experience and learning.
Over time, you're going to shift
towards carving out a niche aligned
with your long term career aspirations.
So if your goal is to
be a film actor,
then you might think that some
television opportunities would be the
great way to say yes to.
And slowly, you would transition into
those, you know, more useful
career aligning goals, like, I want to
be in movies
analyze strength's and your weaknesses.
I think actors should regularly
evaluate performance in different roles
and genres.
And when they use this self awareness
to guide decisions about specialization
or exploration, it becomes an
incredibly useful tool
Number three creates, separate
marketing materials.
This is a great one.
If pursuing multiple types of work,
craft tailored reels and resumes for
each focused area.
For example, you could have
a comedy reel or one for dramatic
Or you could have a Shakespeare reel
and a musical theater real or resume,
or both.
Number four, build a support network.
I suggest you seek advice from mentors,
from agents or industry professionals
about where your talents might be most marketable,
where your talent might be most
And then, of course,
be open to change.
Please know this,
careers evolve.
What an actor specializes in at one
stage, may shift as they gain experience,
discover new passions
or respond to market trends.
Ah, so in conclusion,
whether an actor chooses to specialize
or remain open to all opportunities
really does depend on their career
stage, personal goals and the demands
of the industry.
Early exploration
builds a strong foundation, while
later, specialization
can help establish a clear identity and
market ability.
A thoughtful
flexible approach ensures that actors
remain adaptable
and prepared for whatever opportunities
come their way.
I hope you found this helpful to day.
It's been a pleasure bringing it to
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please write me a review.
I could use a stroke.
Now and then.
Geoffrey dries back, and you've been
listening and watching casting, actors
Thank so much.
It's been great having you in our
talentful to day.
Your support means the world to us.
So please consider sharing, liking and
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I'm, Meg and grace Martinez.
from all the lots
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to everyone
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