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Episode 2: Protesting / Dear White American Theatre

This week, Eric Ulloa takes you through a form of activism that was also the very spark that began the birth of America... Protesting. Throughout American history, civilians have always been able to take to the streets to protest, thanks to a collection of rights given to them by our Founding Fathers... Read More

42 mins


This week, Eric Ulloa takes you through a form of activism that was also the very spark that began the birth of America... Protesting.

Throughout American history, civilians have always been able to take to the streets to protest, thanks to a collection of rights given to them by our Founding Fathers. Eric discusses the rights you do have, the rights you do not have, safety tips and more, so that you can effectively and responsibly raise your voice.

In response to the ongoing and necessary look into the systemic racism that continues to be America's original sin, the theatre community have been asked to look deep into themselves and the racism that plagues every sector of our industry. The "Dear White American Theatre" letter sent off shock waves when it was released to the public with over 300 signatures of POC theatre celebrities and industry professionals attached to it.

This week's guests, Actor/Activist Jose Llana and Stage Manager/Activist Cody Renard Richard, explain why they signed this document and what real change can look like as we work towards a theatrical community that is equal, just and with real opportunity for all people.

Please visit www.weseeyouwat.com for more information.

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