In this episode, Jennifer talks to tax expert Hannah Cole all about the taxes for artists. Hannah breaks down the basics for how to set oneself up for success in tax season, creating distinctions within your accounts, the differences between W2s/W4s/1099s, what deductions are given to businesses, Schedule C’s, bookkeeping and more. They give tangible artist examples, talk about the emotional hurdles all of this can bring up, and the way to begin to feel empowered around your finances so that you can truly set yourself up for success.
About Hannah: Have you ever been flooded with shame while sitting across from an accountant? Have you felt too embarrassed to ask or even formulate your questions? Maybe even doubted your own career as you watched someone who does not get your world or see the value and mission behind what you do look at you through the lens of your income?
That is not going to happen today. Hannah Cole is a tax expert who specializes in working with creative businesses and mission-driven solopreneurs. A long-time working artist with a high-level exhibition history, the financial challenges of freelancers and small creative businesses are both relevant and personal to Hannah. Her specialty is communicating complex tax issues in a clear, creative-centered, empowering way. She founded her company, Sunlight Tax, with a mission to serve visionary people, just like you, who are self-employed, with relevant tax and financial education, so you can bring your unique vision to the world. She’s helped tens of thousands of creative and mission-driven self-employed people skill up with accessible tax and money education through professional speaking engagements from Florida to Alaska, and on the Sunlight podcast. And she’s helped thousands of creative people organize for taxes, set up their businesses, and grow their “freedom funds” (or “F***-You Money”) through her program, Money Bootcamp. Hannah’s goal is to help you realize the full value of your vision in this world, and use your money as a tool (not an obstacle) to making that vision a reality.
Hannah’s IG: @sunlighttax
Hannah’s Podcast:
Hannah’s Deduction Guide:
EAC listeners can get a $100 discount on Hannah's program by using your affiliate coupon: EMPOWERED
IRS Paycheck Checkup:
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