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HUNGOVER: Getting Back to Broadway (Trailer)

We're baaaack! Did you miss us?! Cause we missed you. Getting back to normal after the last year and a half can feel as hard as getting over a bad hangover. So, we've decided to bring you a brand new series... Read More

2 mins


We're baaaack! Did you miss us?! Cause we missed you. Getting back to normal after the last year and a half can feel as hard as getting over a bad hangover. So, we've decided to bring you a brand new series.

This is HUNGOVER - a new miniseries where we follow some of our favorite theatre artists on their way back to the stage. We’ll be checking in with these artists before rehearsals begin, during the rehearsal process, and finally once performances begin. We hope to bring you a unique perspective on the journey of bringing back Broadway.

Stay tuned for the official launch of the first episode next week! Until then, grab your hair of the dog and LIKE and SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts.

Make sure you follow us on social media for some fun content coming your way.

Instagram: @equityonepodcast

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Hosts: @elliottmattox @calebdicke

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