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35 – Ralph Sevush

Ralph Sevush is the Executive Director of Business & Legal Affairs at the Dramatists Guild. You don’t know about the Dramatists Guild? Well, you’re about to, because in this podcast, Ralph is not only going to tell you how it started, but why it started, and why it ain’t never going away... Read More

44 mins


Ralph Sevush is the Executive Director of Business & Legal Affairs at the Dramatists Guild

You don’t know about the Dramatists Guild? Well, you’re about to, because in this podcast, Ralph is not only going to tell you how it started, but why it started, and why it ain’t never going away. He also talks about . . .

  • What the heck is the APC (Approved Production Contract) anyway?
  • Why he’d like to sit down with Broadway Producers and recalibrate that APC for today’s unique producing market.
  • Does he agree with John Breglio about the potential for a Hollywood writer deal working on Broadway?
  • How the current Producer – Writer negotiation system is costing producers money, and how we can fix it.
  • Why the Boston Red Sox really are superior to the New York Mets. (Ok, ok, he didn’t talk about that – that was just me throwing that in there . . . hehe.)

What you’re going to love about this podcast is the passion with which this man works to protect every single writer out there, whether you’re a fivetime Tony winner, or a rookie who just joined the Guild . . . but also how Ralph acknowledges that the business has changed since the Guild was formed and how the Guild is eager to change with it.

Keep up with me: @KenDavenportBway


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