Now at The Tank In NYC a new production , which was inspired by Tadeusz Kantor’s The Dead Class. Deadclass, Ohio also draws from original text, recycled memories, family secrets, old photos, live violin score, and verbatim fragments of rediscovered memoirs and voicemails to create a séance for the living and a love song for the dead.
The piece was created collectively by The Goat Exchange, who have developed over 20 original productions in traditional theaters and a range of site-specific venues, from a museum gallery to a swimming pool to a football stadium to a kitchen sponge. They’re very collaborative, and draw from old films, new plays, verbatim transcripts, and classic texts.
We have the Chloe Claudel & Mitchell Polonsky, who co-direct, co-write, Chloe even stars in this piece! Eliya Smith joins us as well! She wrote original pieces to the show! Hear all about it!
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