La'Trez Anderson is here!
With millions of followers of his comedy on Tik Tok, IG, and more- he is now a full blown viral STAR! He is hitting the road on a comedy tour around the country and selling out some of the most famous clubs in the country! He is coming to NY! He is coming to Detroit! He is coming to take over the comedic world so get ready!
How did this happen? What has it been like? What advice does he have? His story is inspiring about having a dream and making things happen! Even if they do not look like the way you imagined, they are still coming true! We find out all this and more! Do not miss it!
For More Info follow him on IG- @latrezanderson
Check out "The Roundtable with Robert Bannon" here on BPN on the daily, on YouTube, Broadway World, and on social media! Like, comment, share, & subscribe!
For more info on Robert-
Follow Him on IG- @RobertMBannon