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09: Find Worthiness Within Yourself First So Your Work Shines

Featured on today’s episode, host Salisha interviews Rachel Josefina and Susanne Puerschel. Rachel Josefina has a podcast called Mindset in the Making. She was on Susanne’s podcast and it was divine timing that they met each other and became business partners... Read More

45 mins


Featured on today’s episode, host Salisha interviews Rachel Josefina and Susanne Puerschel.

Rachel Josefina has a podcast called Mindset in the Making. She was on Susanne’s podcast and it was divine timing that they met each other and became business partners. They created a new event where performing artists can work together and create community.

Susanne is a mother and the owner of RISE Media. A media company supporting performing artists having the ability to gather more ways of earning income by tapping into the power of media that you're discovering now in 2021. Her podcast is called Pointe to Rise.

Rachel and Susanne always wanted to do in person events and started with having small groups of workshops or having conversations to see what's really going on and how we can really support the community.

They started to talk about scarcity mindset which just was blown up during the pandemic because nobody knew how to earn money. And they are convinced that all the scarcity, the pain and abuse we're seeing in the performing arts world is from a lack of finding our unworthiness, and how can we fix that. And how can we start creating and stop chasing, and they started with everybody in their community. Giving themselves the power to use their tools to really create for others, so that they have an equal exchange of energy.

They also talk about perfectionism of being able to do your own self tape to save time and energy. No one can do it all perfectly. Trying to do it perfectly is setting yourself up to feel disappointed because it's never going to be perfect. It's not about being the perfect fit for whatever everybody else wants you to be. It's having the courage to really dig deep and that who you are is what makes you special. And that's what will set you apart and will get you the roles you want, and that's when you start creating and stop chasing.

So join in as Salisha, Susanne and Rachel talk about scarcity and abundance mindset, perfectionism and how they are helping and supporting their community.

Connect with Rachel:

Instagram – @rachel.josefina

Podcast – Mindset in the Making

Connect with Susanne:

Website: pointetorise.com

Facebook: Pointe to Rise

Instagram: @susannepuerschel

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