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Jocelyn Jones Helps Actors and Individuals Awaken Their Artistry and Creativity

Recently, I went googling for articles about downsizing and simplifying my life, and I found this one called Simple Living Manifesto, which sounded great. But then the title of the blog post was “72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life“ — who has time for 72 ideas??.. Read More

57 mins


Recently, I went googling for articles about downsizing and simplifying my life, and I found this one called Simple Living Manifesto, which sounded great. But then the title of the blog post was “72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life“ — who has time for 72 ideas?? That doesn’t sound simple to me, but in all fairness, the writer did give a short list before going into that very long list of ideas. And on the shortlist, they were only two steps: 1) identify what’s most important to you and 2) eliminate everything else.

Figuring out what’s important to us can sometimes be a little difficult, and today’s guest is Jocelyn Jones, who has spent her career figuring out ways to simplify the way we actors move and interact on stage, and how we use our energy in performance has been an in-demand acting teacher for over thirty years.

From A-list movie stars to hand-picked beginners, and she is here with us today offering insights that can enhance our confidence, guide us in own unique perspective, and leave us with some inspirational nuggets of wisdom. She’ll also be sharing insights from her most recent bestselling book Artist: Awakening the Spirit Within, which provides a blueprint for awakening and connecting to the spirit within each of us. And this is useful for all individuals, whether you’re in the arts or not. Because, as Jocelyn believes, each of us has artistry and creativity within us that should be respected and cared for.

  • STORY #1 - Overcoming loneliness and connecting with nature as a child
  • EXTRAS - Can anyone be a good actor?
  • STORY #2 - Discovering her own way of learning as the result of dyslexia
  • STORY #3 - Overcoming age stereotypes by producing work in her 70's


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Why I’ll Never Make It is an award-winning, Top Theater Podcast hosted by actor and singer Patrick Oliver Jones and is a production of WINMI Media. Background music is by John Bartmann and Blue Dot Sessions is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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