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Kelly Gabel - Actress, Singer, Coach, Founder of TRIPLE THREAT THERAPY

Kelly and I talk about the mindset needed to get through the ups and downs of this business, and as founder of Triple Threat Therapy she even gives me a bit of therapy, asking questions and giving insights into my own thinking when it comes to auditions and making decisions for my career... Read More

1 h 19 mins


Kelly and I talk about the mindset needed to get through the ups and downs of this business, and as founder of Triple Threat Therapy she even gives me a bit of therapy, asking questions and giving insights into my own thinking when it comes to auditions and making decisions for my career.

But it all started the ripe old age of 4, when Kelly stepped on stage for the first time during a kindergarten musical. From that moment on, she was hooked. Most of us have a story similar to that, right? She performed throughout my childhood but focused on choir and singing during high school and college.

In her 20's, she started auditioning for local community theater productions. Up to that point, she had never been to a professional or semi-professional audition and had no clue what to expect. So she learned by doing and was soon performing regularly at a local theater. But she struggled to move beyond chorus, or small featured roles. Now in her 30's and after taking several years off from auditioning and performing, she focuses on family and her vocal students.

She also writes a blog, which is how I first found out about Kelly. Her honesty and openness about the rejection that comes with auditioning and performing was both eye-opening and refreshing...

"We all know that we aren't supposed to take rejections personally...but seriously?! How can we NOT? It stings when someone doesn't see our talent, or sees our talent but just doesn't want us. We have poured our heart and soul into that performance and their response is simply, "thanks but no thanks" or "we'll call you." ⁣So what do we do with that rejection?"

Read the full blog article here.

Kelly is also starting a brand new Masterclass series, featuring many artists and professionals, including myself and former guest, Maggie Bera. To learn more about her Journey to Broadway Masterclass and the other coachings and consultations she provides, visit her website.

You can also follow her on Instagram & Facebook.

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