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Lydia-Renee Darling Embraces Change and Learns to Become a Better Artist

Lydia-Renee Darling is the very definition of a well rounded, multi hyphenate artist. She got her BFA in musical theater from Webster University in St. Louis and a Masters in writing for stage and broadcast media from the Royal Central School in London... Read More

39 mins
Feb 19


Lydia-Renee Darling is the very definition of a well rounded, multi hyphenate artist. She got her BFA in musical theater from Webster University in St. Louis and a Masters in writing for stage and broadcast media from the Royal Central School in London. She’s a filmmaker and a playwright and founded her own DEI entertainment marketing and virtual production company called Oh! (My Gosh) Creative. Being someone who has both embraced and been challenged by changes throughout her life, Lydia-Renee shares with us how they serve as a motivation to continually better herself as an artist and an individual.

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Why I’ll Never Make It is an award-winning, Top Theater Podcast with actor and singer Patrick Oliver Jones and is a production of WINMI Media. Background music is by John Bartmann and Blue Dot Sessions is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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