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Remy Germinario - Theater Actor Finding Another Stage with Improv and Stand-Up Comedy

Freemics - a comprehensive listing of comedy open mics across the East and West Coast. Stand Up NY - opened its doors in 1986 and has since become one of New York City’s premiere comedy clubs... Read More

51 mins


I first met Remy Germinario while taking improv classes at Upright Citizens Brigade in NYC. He’s an actor as well as a comedian, and he shares how he got into stand-up and how we as creatives wear many hats and have to showcase many talents. It was a few months ago that I was at an audition and ran into Remy. It had been awhile since our UCB classes together, and we started talking about all the stand-up he’s been doing and it absolutely fascinated and surprised me as to what all actually goes into being a comedian. And it’s that conversation that inspired this episode. Remy says there's no reason to pigeon-hole ourselves as just an actor or dancer or director. We can do many things, and for our well-being we should pursue as many avenues as we can to not only feed our bank accounts but also to feed our souls by finding creative outlets for the kind of art we want to make. In our conversation, Remy talked about...
  • Freemics - a comprehensive listing of comedy open mics across the East and West Coast.
  • Stand Up NY - opened its doors in 1986 and has since become one of New York City’s premiere comedy clubs.
  • Comedy Mob - over 60 comics compete for the winning title in this annual festival, where New York City's up and coming talent try to win over our panel of judges and the audience vote.
  • Social Media - Twitter & Instagram: @RemyGerminario
---------- I want this podcast to be a resource for you as you discover more ways to pursue a career in this industry and sustain it through the many ups and downs that follow. For insights and motivations you can be a part of the WINMI community on Twitter and Instagram and you can always reach out to me on the website: contact.winmipodcast.com Lastly, this podcast is supported through kind donations of listeners like you by buying me a coffee.

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