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166 - Cottage

Cottage is a gripping comic drama that has so many themes bubbling underneath the facade of two men meeting up in a public toilet. It goes beyond a queer story and commands the audience’s attention and asks questions of the viewer’s thoughts into human relationships and their deeply complicated makeup - no matter what sexual preference one might have... Read More

25 mins


Cottage is a gripping comic drama that has so many themes bubbling underneath the facade of two men meeting up in a public toilet. It goes beyond a queer story and commands the audience’s attention and asks questions of the viewer’s thoughts into human relationships and their deeply complicated makeup - no matter what sexual preference one might have.

Cottage’s playwight, Ben Willows, sat down with me, in separate rooms becuase he’s already in Edinburgh performing in a show, to talk about where the idea came for the play and it’s journey so far.

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