Xanadu is a whimsical musical comedy that follows the story of Kira, a Greek muse who descends from Mount Olympus to Venice Beach, California, to inspire a struggling artist named Sonny Malone. Sonny dreams of creating a roller disco, but he faces both artistic and romantic obstacles, especially when Kira, who’s secretly the muse Clio, begins to fall in love with him—against the divine laws of her immortal existence. Set to the music of Electric Light Orchestra and Olivia Newton-John from the 1980 film of the same name, Xanadu combines 1980s nostalgia with Greek mythology in a playful story filled with humor, roller skating, and infectious disco hits like "Magic," "Suddenly," and "Xanadu."
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Cast & Creatives
Kerry Butler
Kira/Clio (OBC)
Cheyenne Jackson
Sonny Malone (OBC)
Mary Testa
Melpomene (OBC)
Jackie Hoffman
Calliope (OBC)
Anika Larsen
Euterpe (OBC)
André Ward
Terpsichore (OBC)
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