West Side Story is an adaptation of the classic story of Romeo & Juliet. In the heart of New York City, two rival street gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, clash for control of their turf. The animosity runs deep, fueled by prejudice and fear. Amidst the tension, a forbidden love blossoms between Tony, a former Jets member, and Maria, Bernardo's younger sister and a recent arrival from Puerto Rico. Their love story unfolds against the backdrop of escalating violence. Despite their attempts to escape their warring worlds, their connection is shattered by tragedy.
West Side Story is an adaptation of the classic story of Romeo & Juliet. In the heart of New York City, two rival street gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, clash for control of their turf. The animosity runs deep, fueled by prejudice and fear.
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Cast & Creatives
Chita Rivera
Anita (OBC)
Anita (2009 Revival)
Jeremy Jordan
Tony (2009 Replacement)
Lorna Courtney
Rosalia (2020 Revival)
Nancy Ticotin
Consuela (1980 Revival)
Stephen Sondheim
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