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Casting Actors Cast

Casting Actors Cast

Welcome to ”CASTING ACTORS CAST ” the podcast with an inside look at acting as a profession from master teacher and casting director, Jeffrey Dreisbach, a casting partner for McCorkle Casting Ltd in New York City.

All Episodes

How Actors Rehearse for Their Role

How Actors Rehearse for Their Role

Rehearsing for a role isn’t just about memorizing lines—it’s about bringing a character to life. Every actor has their own approach, but here are eight common and effective methods almost all actors use: There’s a good chance that you’ve done these already but maybe it’s time for a refresher!

18 mins
Sep 5
How to Leave your Agent (or Manager)

How to Leave your Agent (or Manager)

So, you’ve decided it’s time to part ways with your agent or manager. It’s a tough decision, but sometimes it’s necessary to move your career in the right direction. Here’s how to handle it smoothly and professionally!

16 mins
Aug 29
Actor Lifestyle Classes-What Gives

Actor Lifestyle Classes-What Gives

It makes perfect sense. Actors only want to take classes that teach, “How to be successful” It's no wonder that there are classes out there that actors don't seem to be interested in taking. One such class. Is called, the business of acting and it usually struggles with enrollment.

19 mins
Aug 22
Re-Act to Emotions

Re-Act to Emotions

There have been some Netflix movies and series that I binged over the past few weeks. I’m seeing a ton of good acting and casting for these new shows. There is the usual dragon slayer/costume drama/historical non-fiction. It’s fun!

16 mins
Aug 15
No Work? What Now!

No Work? What Now!

There is a new reality that must be shared. It is derived from talking to directors, producers and talent reps over the past few weeks. On first glance, this might be difficult to hear but full disclosure is really important to me.

25 mins
Aug 8
The Dog Days of Summer

The Dog Days of Summer

Dog days of Summer. The phrase comes from the Greek, “Days of the dog Star” or the hottest days of the year which later became, The Dog Days of Summer”. When we are experiencing the heat, humidity, and sense of nothing else happening, we can become dog tired and frustrated.

18 mins
Aug 1
Building Your Character

Building Your Character

The title, “Building Your Character” may sound like the start of an acting class subject. Or, it may feel like a self-help ethics lecture. Actually, It is neither. What I would like to talk about today is making the right choices for growing your career by building your resume the right way.

15 mins
Jul 25
Higher Education VS Real World Integration

Higher Education VS Real World Integration

It comes as no surprise that actors debate their options about how to launch and succeed actor professionally. Should you go to college or set up shop in a market or city that has work available now?

22 mins
Jul 18
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

In the world of acting, versatility and the ability to embody different characters are paramount. An actor's appearance, including their hairstyle, wardrobe, and overall look, plays a crucial role in defining a character and making a memorable impression.

22 mins
Jul 11
Special Announcement Show!

Special Announcement Show!

Unlock Your Path to Acting Success. On today's incredibly special episode of Casting Actors Cast, I am going to share with you the coolest, newest thing that's happened to me. And I hope that you will forgive me for making this episode one of personal privilege.

15 mins
Jul 4
Coping With Celebrity

Coping With Celebrity

The allure of fame, with its promise of adoration and wealth, often captivates aspiring actors. Yet, the reality of celebrity status is a double-edged sword. While the recognition and rewards can be substantial, the pressures and intrusions into personal life are significant.

24 mins
Jun 27
Making A Move

Making A Move

Choosing where to live is a significant decision for any actor. The right location can greatly impact an actor’s career opportunities, lifestyle, and overall well-being.

18 mins
Jun 20
 Lifting A Script

Lifting A Script

Interpreting a script is at the heart of an actor’s craft. It is through this process that words on a page are transformed into compelling performances that resonate with audiences. This chapter explores the journey an actor takes from first reading a script to bringing a character to life on stage or screen.

16 mins
Jun 13
What's in a Name

What's in a Name

The glitz and glamour of Hollywood often come with the pressure of maintaining a persona that resonates with audiences worldwide. For many actors, their name becomes an integral part of their brand, a key component in their rise to fame.

18 mins
Jun 6
Writing Your Bio

Writing Your Bio

There may be times when you are asked to provide a bio or a biography of your accomplishments. It might be for a Playbill for a show you are in or it could be for your website. Now, I've seen a lot of bad BIOS. So let's take a look at how you can promote yourself the right way.

16 mins
Jun 3
Survival Gigs for Actors

Survival Gigs for Actors

Part-time jobs for actors need to be flexible enough to accommodate their irregular schedules and offer opportunities for skill development or networking within the entertainment industry. Here are some options.

17 mins
May 2
Fear Knot

Fear Knot

Episode # 311. Air Date: 4/25/24. FEAR KNOT. Actors, like any artists or professionals, often grapple with various fears as they pursue their craft. Let’s reveal some common fears actors may face on this episode of Casting Actors Cast!

23 mins
Apr 25
Take Stock of Summer

Take Stock of Summer

Welcome back to Casting Actors Cast your go-to destination for all things theatre and acting. I'm your host, casting Partner with McCorkle Casting, Jeffrey Dreisbach, and today, we're delving deep into the world of summer theatre acting opportunities.

22 mins
Apr 18
Acting with Authenticity

Acting with Authenticity

Staying authentic in performances is a constant pursuit for actors. Here are several ways they work to maintain authenticity!

17 mins
Apr 11
Secrets to Acting Success

Secrets to Acting Success

Episode # 305. Secrets to Acting Success. Air Date: April 5, 2024. Let's chat about the secret sauce that successful actors sprinkle on their careers.

13 mins
Apr 4
Mission Impossible-Finding an Agent

Mission Impossible-Finding an Agent

Let's chat like we're grabbing coffee and talking about breaking into the acting scene. So, you're all pumped to get representation, right? Awesome. Here's the lowdown.

18 mins
Mar 28
Turn Setbacks into Comebacks

Turn Setbacks into Comebacks

Turning setbacks into comebacks is practically an art form in the acting world. Here are some savvy moves that actors often pull to rise from the ashes of disappointment: Learn and Adapt: Take setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.

19 mins
Mar 21
The Choice is Yours

The Choice is Yours

I am often asked the following question. “How do I know if I'm making the right choice?” Actors would like to know how to play the character so that when they are acting, they have good ideas about how to play the character.

13 mins
Mar 15
The Truth About EPA's

The Truth About EPA's

Equity Principal Auditions (EPAs) are auditions organized by the Actors' Equity Association (AEA), the labor union representing actors and stage managers in the United States.

17 mins
Mar 7
What, Me Worry?

What, Me Worry?

New actors often have several concerns as they enter the world of acting. It can seem quite daunting and stressful. Many of these concerns can be solved, however, if we look at each one and say, “What, me worry?” We’ll tackle some of the common concerns right now on Casting Actors Cast.

22 mins
Feb 29
Strike Back!

Strike Back!

How to get back to work after the strike. STRIKE BACK! Air Date: February 22, 2024. So, every task we take on has its own set of challenges. We know this. Everything worth doing contains the “what if’s”. “What if It doesn’t happen?

16 mins
Feb 22
Becoming an Actor in NYC

Becoming an Actor in NYC

Becoming an actor in NYC. Air Date: February 15, 2024. Becoming an actor in New York City involves a combination of education, training, networking, and perseverance. Of course, there is risk involved. Anything worth doing has risks.

22 mins
Feb 15
The Callback

The Callback

Air Date 2/8/2024. You got a call back? Now What! I find it quite humorous when I call an actor to offer a callback after their audition. Sometimes the actor seems genuinely surprised. As if they are caught off-guard with unexpected news.

13 mins
Feb 8
Which Acting Method?

Which Acting Method?

Air Date: February 2, 2024. Episode #296. Which Acting Method? There are various acting techniques that actors use to approach their craft. Different techniques appeal to different actors, and often, actors may use a combination of methods.

11 mins
Feb 1
Rejection Direction

Rejection Direction

Air Date: January 25, 2024. #295. Rejection Direction. Handling rejection is an essential aspect of an actor's journey, and it's something that every actor faces at some point. Moving forward in the right direction will make the difference when experiencing rejection.

17 mins
Jan 25
College Showcase Breakdown

College Showcase Breakdown

Air Date: 1/18/2024. #294. College Showcase Breakdown. I’ve had a bunch of interactions with many actors in training from colleges, universities and professional training programs of late. It’s typical this time of year, for many of these schools to “showcase” their graduating talent.

18 mins
Jan 18
Self-Tape Tweaks

Self-Tape Tweaks

Air Date: 1/11/2024. #293. Self-Tape Tweaks. We’ve seen a ton of self-tapes come in for our film and theatre projects of late. I have to say, the submissions are getting so much better than during COVID. There are still some actors that should review the way they are submitting themselves.

28 mins
Jan 11
Oh No! Another New Year?

Oh No! Another New Year?

Air Date: 1/4/2024. #292. Oh No! Another New Year? I think every time we bring in a new year, we have the best of intensions to make the upcoming year even better than the year before. We “resolve” to do things better or make commitments to our self-improvement.

24 mins
Jan 4
Being Punctual

Being Punctual

Air Date: 12/28/2023. #291. Being Punctual. In case you haven’t noticed, many episodes of this podcast have been about acting choices we can use to create our characters. We’ve shared the value of vocal pitch, the beauty of pace and making moments with beats.

18 mins
Perfect Pitch

Perfect Pitch

Air Date: 12/21/2023 #290 Perfect Pitch. Of all the tools actors can draw upon when working on playing a role, the voice is possibly the least thought of yet most valuable. Sure, we all remember our vocal training and maybe even our singing lessons as being a core component of our education.

21 mins
Change of Pace

Change of Pace

Air Date: 12/14/2023. #289. Change of Pace. Here’s a question for you; Have you ever had a director or teacher tell you to slow down? Maybe it’s something like, “Watch your pacing” or “don’t rush it”. If you have, you’ve probably been annoyed or frustrated at the note because to you, it was fine.

19 mins
Right Place-Right Time

Right Place-Right Time

Air Date: 12/7/2023. #288. Right Place, Right Time. “Some people have all the luck”. Is that something you’ve said? I know I have. Even in my young acting career, I was always made aware of how hard it was to, “Make it”.

15 mins
Get More Auditions

Get More Auditions

Air Date: 11/30/2023. #287. Get More Auditions. We’ve talked a ton on this podcast about the many layers of being a successful actor. Sometimes it’s tips about acting, other times it is about the business of show. We’ve.

19 mins
Turkey Day!

Turkey Day!

Air Date: 11/23/2023. #286. Turkey Day. I am not a huge fan of turkey-the bird I mean. I have it at Thanksgiving because it is there. But usually, the rest of the year, I skip having the foul.

20 mins
The Agent Interview

The Agent Interview

Air Date: 11/16/2023. #285. The Agent Interview. You’ve done it. After months of emails, invitations, and research, you’ve just received a call that the agent you’ve been wanting to work with now wants to meet with you! Congratulations! Oh wait.

24 mins
Finding Flaws

Finding Flaws

Air Date: 11/9/2023. #284. Finding the Flaws. I think we can all agree with the following statement, “nobody’s perfect”. As much as we like to think of ourselves in a positive light, there is no denying that we possess qualities that need improvement.

17 mins
Actors Survival Gear

Actors Survival Gear

Air Date: 11/2/2023. #283. Actor’s Survival Gear. There’s a lot of stress going on right now. It feels like more than the usual, “Day to Day” issues we are familiar with. What’s going on? Well, there’s much we have no control over; conflicts, social unrest, strikes, you name it.

27 mins
#282 Improvise and Realize

#282 Improvise and Realize

Air Date: 10/26/2023. #282. Improvise and Realize. I was asked to workshop a scripted reality show pilot last week. A sort of send-up on actors in an acting conservatory setting. My job was to help the actors connect and relate to their characters and the other cast members in the project.

16 mins
#281-Scents of Humor

#281-Scents of Humor

Air Date: 10/21/2023 #281 Scents of Humor. How much importance do we really place on using our five senses? Most of us know the value of smell, taste, sight, sound but how much do we rely on those senses with our acting?

16 mins
#280 Acting on Purpose

#280 Acting on Purpose

Air Date: 10/12/2023. #280. Acting on Purpose. For some reason, I happen to like double meanings for the same phrase. It can be in. the form of a pun or a double entendre. For example, today’s episode is called Acting. on Purpose.

14 mins
Defining Your Character Part 2

Defining Your Character Part 2

Air Date: 10/5/2023. #279. Defining your character Part 2 of 2. On our last episode, we talked about the external choices you can make when defining a character. Today, let's dive into what defines you as an actor. Your personal character, your way of thinking, what defines you.

20 mins
Defining Your Character

Defining Your Character

Air Date: 9/18/2023. Defining your character Part 1 of 2. When we are blessed with playing a part in a film, tv, or stage production, you have probably done most of the work when it comes to how you are going to play the part.

16 mins
Memo for Demos

Memo for Demos

When putting a demo of your acting together, do you know how to decide what should be on it? Demo reels are often asked for by talent reps and casting directors, but sometimes talent doesn't really know what to include.

18 mins
Coming to Terms

Coming to Terms

Television and Film credit rolls at the end of a project can sometimes lack real understanding of the actual job. Here are the most important "players" on the set and a job description to help you feel more confident and comfortable.

22 mins
#275 Beats Me

#275 Beats Me

#275 Air Date: 9/7/2023 “Beats Me” It’s kind of a slang phrase that I don’t really hear anymore. “It beats me” is usually a response to a question when you don’t have the answer. Like, “how did that candy bar I was saving suddenly disappear?”.

11 mins
#274 How to Remain Teachable

#274 How to Remain Teachable

#274 How to Remain Teachable Air Date: 8/31/2023 I can't believe I'm saying this, but. Here it goes. It's that time of year again. It's almost Fall. And that means going back to school. Back to auditioning. Back to the reality of what it is to be an actor.

11 mins
Working With a Partner

Working With a Partner

#273 Working With a Partner. Air Date: 8/24/2023. Whether it’s a class, a chemistry read or on the set, working with a partner can sometimes be fraught with challenges (fraught! Who talks like that?).

17 mins
#272-Making the Best Choice

#272-Making the Best Choice

#272 Making the Best Choice. Air Date: 8/17/2023. In a recent class I was teaching, an actor timidly raised their hand and asked, “How do I now if I am making the right acting choice in an audition for film or TV?” My response was probably a typical one, “Well, decide what is best for you”.

16 mins
#271 You Need New Pictures!

#271 You Need New Pictures!

#271 You Need New Pictures! Air Date: 8/10/2023. I really love working with actors. It is a rare opportunity for me to share my professional feedback and advice to actors who are willing to listen. I ultimately think this interaction supplies information that improves the industry for everybody.

21 mins
#270-Back Into It!

#270-Back Into It!

#270 Back Into It Air Date: 8/3/2023 So, everything we undertake has its own set of challenges. We know this. Everything worth doing contains the “what if’s”. “What if It doesn’t happen?”, “What if I can’t find the time?”, What if it doesn’t work out?”.

21 mins
Encore-Back To Business

Encore-Back To Business

An Encore presentation from 2020!

22 mins
Encore- Lighten Up!

Encore- Lighten Up!

An Encore presentation from 2020!

21 mins
Encore_ Your Top 5 Questions Answered

Encore_ Your Top 5 Questions Answered

Jeffrey Answers your top 5 questions about being an actor!

18 mins
Encore: Get Curious With PAW

Encore: Get Curious With PAW

The secret to a successful acting career is...wait for it...being curious! Not just your everyday curiosity but a deep dive into three facets of professional life. Jeffrey spells out the acronym P.A.W for you to consider. Are you curious now? Great.

25 mins
#269 Representation Regrets

#269 Representation Regrets

#269-Representation regrets Air Date: 6/29/2023. I hear this quite frequently, “I like my agent, but they are not sending me out much” or “My agent doesn’t see me the way I see me” or “I’m afraid of pissing my manager off because they aren’t pushing me enough and I’m pissed about it!”.

26 mins
#268 Act As If

#268 Act As If

#268-Act As If Air Date: 6/22/2023. Repeat after me, “I have NO Problems…I have situations”. When we can reframe any issue that we face, we are shifting our negative perceptions into something less caustic. Problems now become just situations.

22 mins
Self-Tape Power Tips

Self-Tape Power Tips

#267 Self-Tape Power Tips. Air Date: 6/15/2023. Are you sick of doing self-tape auditions with nothing or little to show for it? Do you stress over how your submissions are being perceived by others. Do you think there might be something missing from your videos that put you in the “no” category?

25 mins
Give Time, Time

Give Time, Time

Give Time, Time Air Date: 6/8/2023 Have you ever noticed how fast the time goes when you are focused on something important? Or how slow it feels when you are bored out of your mind? Isn’t that weird?

16 mins
Casting Actors Cast LIVE!

Casting Actors Cast LIVE!

Recorded May 25 2023 with a first ever LIVE studio audience at Pearl Studios in New York City, Jeffrey Dreisbach shares some insider information and tips for actors. He'll answer some audience questions as well! Come join the fun with this unique forum for the podcast.

48 mins
Live promotion EventAnnouncement

Live promotion EventAnnouncement

This week we take a 1 episode break so we can prepare for the live recording of the podcast! Today you can check out a past episode or tune-in next week for the live event presentation! Thanks!

1 min
The Actor ”On-Hold” #263

The Actor ”On-Hold” #263

The Actor “On Hold” Air Date: 5/18/2023. Do you know what “on Hold” means? Well, it can mean many things for actors. It can mean you are being requested and agree to stay available for a booking, for one. It can also mean waiting for another decision to be made.

19 mins
The Organized Actor #262

The Organized Actor #262

The Organized Actor. Air Date: 5/11/2023. Creating an organized workflow is often difficult for actors, I think. The reason has something to do with being an artist and believing that business structure is impeding your creative self.

21 mins
Create Your Content

Create Your Content

Create Your Content. Air Date: 5/3/2023. A growing number of actors are finding that creating their own content is a front footed approach to advancing their career. It can be a one person play or on-camera YouTube short film.

21 mins
Keep It Conversational

Keep It Conversational

Keep it Conversational! Air Date: 4/27/2023. Can I tell you something? It may be difficult to hear but when I watch a Zoom audition or Self -tape submission or even a live callback audition, I can tell in seconds if the actor is going to make an impact.

19 mins
Resume Revamp

Resume Revamp

Resume Revamp. Air Date: 4/20/2023. Your acting resume is like your business card. It serves to make a first-Impression tell people the type of work you do and, most importantly, gives them the information needed to hire you to do that work!

25 mins
Zoom Auditions; Here to Stay?

Zoom Auditions; Here to Stay?

ZOOM Auditions; Here to Stay? Air Date: 4/13/2023. OK, so just because I thought Zoom was a designer drug from France three years ago doesn’t make me naïve. I just never used the platform before Covid. Then, suddenly, I was holding meetings and Zoom auditions all the time.

19 mins
Audition Mistakes and How to Correct Them

Audition Mistakes and How to Correct Them

Audition mistakes and how to correct them! Air Date 4/6/2023. You get nervous before your audition. There is a “fight or flight” response that makes you want to go home and get under the covers. You know the material; you’ve worked on it.

20 mins
Investment Strategy...Classes!

Investment Strategy...Classes!

The importance of classes as an investment strategy. Air Date: 3/30/2023. As the “CEO” of your own company, making the right investments is a good business strategy. After all, you’ve probably spent time, money, and energy into your development as an actor already.

16 mins
Business or Pleasure?

Business or Pleasure?

Business or Pleasure? Air Date: March 23, 2023. Whenever you cross the border, a security person behind the counter often asks, “Business or pleasure?”. Isn’t that strange. Like it is one or the other, not both at the same time. Think of it.

18 mins
Marketing Mistakes Actors Make

Marketing Mistakes Actors Make

Marketing Mistakes Actors Make. Air Date: March 16, 2023. I’ve heard this statement from actors many times; “I have tried doing (whatever) and it doesn’t seem to work. Or “whenever I try to (whatever it is) something goes wrong”.

22 mins
Spring in Your Step!

Spring in Your Step!

Air Date: March 9, 2023. Spring In Your Step. I love the following catch phrases, “Make your mark, Jump at the chance, you do you, It’s aint over till it’s over, It’s just a matter of time…”. I’m not sure why I am enamored of these simple statements apart from their positive messages they inspire.

23 mins
Stage or Screen-What’s the Difference?

Stage or Screen-What’s the Difference?

Stage or Screen, What’s the Difference? Air Date: March 2, 2023. Here’s the thing. Actors are often told that there is no real difference between acting on stage or on camera. They are told just to, “bring it down…do less”. Well.

28 mins
Legal Matters

Legal Matters

Legal Matters Air Date: February 23, 2023 I’ve received many requests from you about legal matters that actors are confronted with during their careers. Being a creative person can sometimes feel that we lack the ability to fully understand the practical side of contracts/agreements.

30 mins
The Importance of Being Ernest

The Importance of Being Ernest

The Importance of Being Ernest Air Date: February 16, 2023 With apologies to Oscar Wilde, I like to think that being earnest means having sincere intensions. While the character in the play, Ernest Worthing, made a mess of it, there is no doubt that his intensions were sincere.

18 mins
Material That Fits!

Material That Fits!

Material That Fits. Air Date: February 9, 2023. So, how do you look in Spandex? You know, that tight fitting stretchy stuff usually worn in the gym or dance class? How does it make you feel? I’m not talking about your physicality.

16 mins
It’s All Greek to Me

It’s All Greek to Me

It’s All Greek to Me. Air Date: February 2, 2023. An ancient Greek proverb states that, “Fortune favors the young”. Although this may seem harsh to those of us that might not fit into the “youthful” category, certain aspects of this phrase make sense.

23 mins
Random Thoughts on an Acting Career

Random Thoughts on an Acting Career

Random Thoughts on an Acting Career. Air Date: January 26,2023. Every once in a while, I decide to not have a central theme for this podcast. Sometimes it is more fun to share some random thought about the state of the industry, audition issues or just plain old advice about show business.

28 mins
Uncomplicate Your Acting

Uncomplicate Your Acting

Uncomplicate Your Acting. Air Date: January 19,2023. Having had a very successful year with the multiple projects we’ve cast at McCorkle Casting, I have come to the conclusion that actors are smart. Really smart.

24 mins
Encore Presentation-The Callback

Encore Presentation-The Callback

Encore Presentation-We take a "second look" in the form of a comment from a viewer/listener about last week's podcast on Resilience. Next a second look refers to some tips and suggestion about a callback for theatre, film and television from Jeffrey.

23 mins
Best of ”What to Say at an Agent Meeting

Best of ”What to Say at an Agent Meeting

Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off. You just got a call or email from the agent you’ve been wanting to meet. This could be a crazy great turning point in your acting career! Auditions, roles, bookings here we come! Wait…what are you supposed to do at this meeting?

22 mins
Audition Checkup

Audition Checkup

Audition Check-up. Air Date: December 29, 2022. The New Year can mean a new you! I know, maybe you don’t need a makeover. The new you I am speaking of is a comprehensive, fair, meaningful evaluation of your audition skill set.

25 mins
Your Holiday Acting

Your Holiday Acting

Your Holiday Acting. Air Date: December 22, 2022. If you are fortunate to be working over the holidays, then you have been given a gift. Your talent is you giving to those who are watching/enjoying your acting, and you are being given an opportunity to perform.

17 mins
The Significance of #243

The Significance of #243

The Significance of 243. Air Date: December 15, 2022. So, when I say the number 243, does that have any relevance to you? Maybe it was an address you remember or a phone number. For me, there is at once an amazing affection for the number and yet it is only because I make it special.

19 mins
The Actor Factor

The Actor Factor

The Actor Factor. Air Date: December 8, 2022. I don’t think we understand what is involved when we decide to become an actor. Driven by our rich, creative imagination and a desire for opportunities to act, oftentimes, we lose sight of what being an actor actually means.

23 mins
Brake for Scripts

Brake for Scripts

Brake for Scripts. Air Date: December 1, 2022. I had a hard time coming up with a juicy title for what might be perceived as a boring subject for today’s show. After all, when you hear the term, “Script Analysis” you might feel like a throwback to a mundane intellectual college lecture.

17 mins
Giving Thanks for Your Questions

Giving Thanks for Your Questions

Giving Thanks for Your Questions. Air Date: November 24, 2022. If you are a regular listener to Casting Actors Cast, you know that occasionally, I answer your questions. Since it’s a national holiday here in the U.S.

23 mins
Organizations Worth Knowing

Organizations Worth Knowing

Organizations Worth Knowing. Air Date: November 17, 2022. In this episode of Casting Actors Cast, we’ll talk about some very cool resources that you should be aware of. Staying current with what’s happening in the arts community and with tools that can help actors, is a great way to feel connected.

27 mins
Just Show Up!

Just Show Up!

Just Show Up. Air Date: November 10, 2022. Why do we do it? Really? Why do we subject ourselves to the loud debate going on in our heads over every decision when it comes to our acting careers. We make decisions every day. Maybe hundreds of times.

17 mins
Your Superpower

Your Superpower

Your Superpower. Air Date: November 3, 2022. Lately, I’ve been thinking that there is very little to celebrate. I’m not sure if it’s the post Covid world, political upheaval, change of seasons or just my cranky pants inner kid showing up to kick my ass.

14 mins
Where Are The Acting Jobs?

Where Are The Acting Jobs?

Where are the Acting Jobs? Air Date: October 27, 2022. I am sure you’ve askes this question at some point. You’ve looked at Backstage, Actors Access and other online job sites, only to become discouraged and frustrated at the prospects for gainful employment.

21 mins
Acting Beats

Acting Beats

Acting Beats. Air Date: October 20, 2022. Many actors like to use beats in their work. Beats are the mini pauses, breaths, or silent holds which are used for a variety of reasons. Even directors like the use of the beat when working with actors to draw attention to any given moment.

17 mins
Acting in the Mood

Acting in the Mood

After thousands of auditions, I can say, with confidence, that there are thousands of talented actors. Each one brings their own brand of technique, personality and interpretation to every role that are seeking to play. Here’s the thing.

15 mins
Your Acting Comeback

Your Acting Comeback

Are you an actor who has been away for a while? Are you thinking of jumping back in? Are you fearful that the profession has changed. Perhaps changed too much for you to make a go of it? Never fear.

21 mins
Fall Back

Fall Back

Do you remember this classic acting alas exercise? You are partnered up with another actor and they stand in front of you. Then, without warning they fall back into your outstretched arms whereupon you catch them, thus preventing them from hitting the ground.

18 mins
What Does Having Potential Mean?

What Does Having Potential Mean?

Air Date: September 22, 2022. Have you ever heard someone say, “they have potential”? I remember a particular teacher say that to me in high school. At first, I was thrilled that I had something to aspire to.

18 mins
New Questions Answered

New Questions Answered

Air Date: September 15, 2022. Jeffrey responds to questions and comments from the audience!

22 mins
New! Self-tape Evaluation

New! Self-tape Evaluation

Mark from San Antonio writes: "...I had the help of my acting coach to tape this, but I’d really love to get your critique of this. In my opinion I think it would actually be a good topic for the podcast regarding how best to tape an audition when it calls for lots of action in a scene beyond standard dialogue like this scene called for.

24 mins
Hey, Hey, Hey, How’s Your Resume?

Hey, Hey, Hey, How’s Your Resume?

Hey, Hey, Hey, How’s Your Resume? Air Date: September 1, 2022. I know, I know. I can’t’ help a corny rhyme or alliteration opportunity! The resumes I’ve seen most recently come under the category, I call, Lacking.

24 mins
So You Want To Be An Actor?

So You Want To Be An Actor?

So, You want to be an Actor? Air Date: August 25, 2022. Occasionally, I receive an email or reply from the website form saying something like the following. “I want to be an actor because it is what I’ve always dreamed of.” Then, the writer of this letter adds, “but I do not know how to start and there are no opportunities where I’m from”.

18 mins
How Casting Watches Your Audition

How Casting Watches Your Audition

How Casting Watches Your Audition. Air Date: August 18, 2022. It happens all the time. An actor auditioning for a role (Zoom or in person) finished the scene and then looks to the casting director or director or the producer with an inquisitive look.

17 mins
Plan, Prepare, Perform

Plan, Prepare, Perform

Plan, prepare, perform. Air Date: August 11, 2022. So, the dog days of summer are upon us. It’s had to get motivated much less excited about your acting career goals. I get it. Finding the best next career step is so much harder with temperatures hitting 100 degrees.

24 mins
Encore presentation: Resilience

Encore presentation: Resilience

Special Encore presentation of Resilience!

20 mins
Your Top 5 Questions Answered

Your Top 5 Questions Answered

Jeffrey answers your top 5 questions about being an actor in the special Encore presentation!

18 mins
Stage A Comeback

Stage A Comeback

Stage a Comeback. Air Date: July 21, 2022. So, here’s a quote I heard from comedienne, Issa Rae: “Stop making excuses, you are the only one stopping you” I love this because it is exactly what I want to address on today’s podio, podcast video.

18 mins
On Set Etiquette

On Set Etiquette

On Set Etiquette. Air Date: July 14, 2022. So, I just got back from 2 days on a film set. It was on location at a county fairground in South Jersey and was it really fun. While there, it hit me. I wonder if actors know the best way to make the most of their on-set experiences.

24 mins
Ham on a Role

Ham on a Role

Ham on a Role. Air Date: July 7, 2022. C’mon. Who doesn’t like a good pun? Ham on a R-O-L-E is the only way to talk about those times when you’ve been asked to play an outrageous character and you want to ham it up. Where does that name (ham) come from; I wonder?

14 mins
75K Downloads Celebration

75K Downloads Celebration

75K Downloads Celebration. Air Date: June 30, 2022. On today's episode of Casting Actors Cast, we're going to look back and find out the reasons why we now have 75,000 downloads of the podcast. Come on, it's a celebration. And you’re invited to listen to Casting Actors Cast.

21 mins
Breathing Matters

Breathing Matters

Breathing Matters. Air Date: June 23, 2022. One of the easiest ways actors can feel in control is to concentrate on breathing. When was the last time you thought about your breath? OK not your breath but your breathing! That's the subject of today's podcast.

19 mins
Catch A Catchphrase

Catch A Catchphrase

I don't know about you, but I love when I hear myself saying catch phrases. You know, those little statements or sayings that can get you through the day. For example, here's one. You can start your day over at any time.

21 mins
Does Your Headshot Still Matter?

Does Your Headshot Still Matter?

Given the current environment and the new technology actors are required to know like Zoom and self-tape, you might be wondering if the need for a headshot still matters. After all, we can see what you look like in a slate or in a Zoom meeting, why do you need to go through the trouble and expense for new headshots?

20 mins

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